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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. blacklabelfosho


    simple... im bored http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10937-324.png
  2. *update* sad times... i went to radio shack and they didn't have ANY SMD LED's stupid radio shack. so pretty much all i got done was a really nice grey paint job with silver flake in it it looks damn nice, kinda sticky though ... haveta play some CoD4 to break it in a little. im thinking about adding a trigger button on the bottom of the controller. so i would have two fire button's essentially. or make it a B button that way i could melee easier... i put about 9 coats total on the controller. prolly why its sticky, but its damn sweet. going back to college tomorrow, and i dont have a soldiering iron there so im going to have to wait till next time i get to come down. going to be adding a star power button to my GF's GH 3 guitar and LED's in the button's and painting the fret board. so pretty much i got a lot of things i wanna do.. .just no time, or money. damn college so fraking expensive. anyways. at least tell me what you think of the paint job... ill try to update this next time i do something to it
  3. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10878-326.jpg going to put blue LED's in it later today
  4. we played baseball with a DS once it was fun after that we played hockey with it. and then we pee'ed on it and then put it back on the owners porch lit it on fire and rang the doorbell
  5. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10834-340.png
  6. blacklabelfosho i want it to be CoD4 styled and i want it to have a transparent look, kind of like your sig lax take all the time you want. im not going anywhere
  7. i play expert i can beat every song but TTAF i get bored and quit half way through
  8. lol... dood it is so hard to make models for the warthog... i don't think you have ever tried im assuming lol... and i made a caddy skin... .but my mom thought it looked stupid
  9. lol i would ask my mom for ideas, and she would say stuff like... ADD A TORNADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or i wanna drive a caddylack on it!!!! so i didnt get much help on ideas
  10. then i re-enter my Blueagulation mod and i really just want people to download it and play it... bc i think a total of like maybe 20 people have.. it really has a lot of stuff behind what you can see in just the pictures... like when u pick up the Camo... it playes the halo2 theme song
  11. lol really? i thought it was one of my best i was trying to get away from the reds... and the lights coming from the top corners i thought made it look cool. o well... thx for the comment though
  12. lol... if i was at home, i would submit one... i dont have my orig xbox, or my computer that has all my modding stuff on it... sad times that i can't resubmit my old mod, that was never judged.. bc the last map making competition never got judged... me and nielsss worked our a$$es off on our mods and nothing came of it... my mod viewtopic.php?f=13&t=143 nielsss's mod viewtopic.php?f=13&t=103
  13. i noticed i haven't dumped all my GFX in here yet... so here's what i have done.. hope yah like lot of it is really old i have to say im very proud of em... not a single brush... c4d... or anything added to any of these GFX these are just straight LAYERed GFX... and light effects http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-416.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-417.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-418.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-419.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-420.gif lol http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-421.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-422.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10046-423.png very first
  14. i find the equipment more of a hassle than anything... i want my damn X button to be reload...
  15. well... u need to get off that noob friendly H3... and get on the prof, CoD4... i didn't like the call of duty games till this one... i hate old school games... they just piss me off but this one is fkin awesome.. and even the campaign is really really fun
  16. i love CoD4... i play headquarters.. and i get like 130 kills a game.. its really fun for me... i guess its a whole lot faster game play than h3 could ever achieve... i find h3 boring now that i have played CoD4.... i only every once in a while jump on h3... just to get the new mods lolz. perks... i use the same ones... stopping power.... + double clip + the one that makes bullets go through walls... i like to pre-fire a lot, so i kill lots o ppl
  17. yay medals... w00t b!tches
  18. http://files.filefront.com/GILSANUBrar/;9876917;/f love me forever.. if u need any others... im pretty sure i have em
  19. i didn't like source as much as 1.6 i ended up getting bored of playing the same old Cal servers... so i switched to warcraft mod and other modded servers and they made me re-enjoy the game that i was starting to get bored of i ended up having my own warcraft mod server... and it was up for a good 2 years, before people finally started getting bored of it, so i took it down. have they made modded servers like this for source yet? also, after i got bored of my warcraft mod i switched to pro jump maps. they kept my interest for a good couple of months but died down very quickly... the jumps were very predictable after a while
  20. put em on ur fileshare... ur never online when im on
  21. lolz me too. i believe im more than deserving of the helpful post medal + i like the addition of them. they are small, but i like em
  22. holy fking sh!t i totally believed it and then it fking scared the fk out of me!!!!!!!!! jeezuz christ
  23. ima check it everyonce in a while... its not streaming right now http://www.justin.tv/blacklabelfosho heres MINE!!!!! of my dorm room so its kinda bland, but ill prolly be playing games and stuff lol
  24. eew... did u paint it with fingernail polish?
  25. lol. or... delete the mach for it while modding we had about 12 ppl just crouch up and down on it and it fell down for us
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