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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. mythic i am the EXACT same way. got halo3 got bored got CoD4 saw halo3 mods came back to halo3 when halo3 mods goes away... back to CoD4 i go
  2. AT&T isn't good at all where i live. its terrible connection and always static. thats just where i live though. i've always heard great things about it in other states. sprint is the best where i live
  3. if you invite someone over to your house. it is your responsibility as to what they do in it. so that ruins your whole point. second i know there is so much more that could be done with h3. but right now, all i wanted was to forge mod. i never condoned MM mods in h2. ever. i though it was the dumbest thing anyone could do. the problem is, is the fact that you trusted the wrong person with your resigner. ive heard that much more modding can be done with a "Dev kit" i honestly don't know all the information about it, but i saw one on ebay go for about $800 so i knew i wasn't ever going to get one, so i knew then i would never get to mod h3 as much as h2 was able to have been modded. it wasn't a big deal to me. i like see'ing the screenshots you and anthony release everyonce in a while, but i KNOW that i will never get to do that. and it really isn't that big of a deal. don't accuse me of stealing either. i have done nothing of the sort. i haven't made a single h3 mod. and wasn't intending on ever doing it. i knew someone stole your resigner, and i knew you never intended it to be leaked. but if it somehow fell into my hands, yes then i would use it for my own fun with halo3. bc even though i can't do half the stuff you can with your "dev kit" i would still like to do what little can be done with forge modding. i don't mean to anger you. and i hope you know that your messages haven't angered me. basically i think that you are mad bc haxalot stole your resigner. and yes you have every right to be mad about it. but don't come on to this site saying we are the ones who stole it. honestly... i don't think active person on this site has this resigner. everyone who makes mods right now on this site, just uses someone else who has access to it. we are not stealers. we haven't stolen from you, and don't accuse us of such non-sense. we are leachers. yes. yes some of us have good idea's of making our own "forge mods" but yes we all have leached off of your program that you have made. there are a few people here who claim to have their own resigner, but yes they were just leaching off of you. still leaching. no one here can say that they weren't leaching when they made what few mods were made for h3. and if h3 mods are eventually non existent, then i will go back to playing CoD4. if there is any thought in my mind that i could get your resigner though i will continue to get on xbl and talk to my friends who are busy making mods and getting them resigned by haxalot. honestly everyone says if the con resigner is released the game will be ruined... i already thought the game was ruined after 1 week of playing the game, and being bored with the tiring repetative gameplay. i went back to playing h1 where the game was still fun. halo3 was never a very fun game for me. it was more of a dissapointment. halo2 got boring after a while, but learning to mod it brought me back to it and kept me playing it. thats all i was hoping that h3 modding would achieve. maybe a little interest could be sparked if i learned how to mod it. yes using YOUR program. i know the main thing you want is recognition that you made the ONLY con resigner out there so i think i have given you credit enough about it. gz on making a con resigner. you have accomplished something that no one else has. sorry you made a bad choice in haxalot, but don't come here and get mad at us for using what is given to us.
  4. pretty much... all he had to say was that we are a bunch of leachers. and we should be banned for modifying the game. basically his whole argument is hypocritical bc he was the one who did the "researching" yes none of us have made a con resigner. and your just mad bc someone used you to steal it from you. basically you made a bad choice by letting haxalot gain access to your resigner. and since bungie came to you saying, " hey we know you made the resigner that all these kids are using" basically you sold all of us who were just using the tool YOU made so YOU wouldn't get banned. i am speaking for myself now... no i never intended to try to make my own resigner. i intended to wait untill YOUR resigner got passed around so much that it eventually landed in my hands. yes i know that is a "leach" type of move, but seriously... i don't have time to try, or to bother with that stuff. i WAS just sitting around waiting for it to get released. i am a leacher. and damn proud of it. you say i am filth bc of this? because YOU made a bad decision in the people you let use your resigner? you should be taking it out on haxalot. not on us. you don't beat the dog if it is wet... just after YOU let it in the house. its your fault the resigner was leaked. not ours.
  5. quit "trading" mods. this is stupid. just add the mods you have to the list of mods we have on our huge topic
  6. my girlfriend. and i have a very big passion for my trumpet playing. so i play that a lot. im going to college to become a band director. so i gotta be BA at my trumpet
  7. i tried to do this w/o downloading the expansion. it says my account is a retail account and is not compatible with the trial version.
  8. this won't work. me and nielsss already tried it. closed
  9. omfg.. .. .. .. .. sickest fking thing i have ever watched...........
  10. go here, this is where i get all my GS's love me and yes you have to register first http://blueshadowz.info/membersonly.php
  11. if anyone has this, it would be very nice of them to post it. i don't have all the achievements complete, if i did i would post my gamesave.
  12. its "resign" and now lots of people are getting the resigner, or access to the resigner. most people who get their mods resigned by someone else say that they can't say their resigner's name to keep them anonymous. but then you have people spouting off that they have a .con resigner like it nothing. w/e the case may be, most people who have the resigner won't resign maps for free most of the time. just wait for the resigner to leak. and just grab it from one of the people who are nice enough to just hand it out.
  13. look, me and nielsss tried. NOT POSSIBLE. and neither is the AA wraith. the troop hog isn't its own vehicle. its just a turret addon to the warthog. and no you cannot swap just the turrets on the back of the warthog. tried that too. you can spawn the troop hog seats. but you cannot swap it with the turret on the back of the hog. the turret itself is not part of the hex on the usermaps.
  14. there were three episodes that i got to be apart of with this kid. and it just got funnyer and funnyer. this was the second one though. and it was just so funny. you can't hear half the stuff while we were on valhalla bc peaches just killin everyone lol. i told him he could steal host from peaches if he unplugged his ethernet cord and plugged it back in really quick. and he went away for a second, then said he did it, and that he could see "patches of snow" was hilarious. the last episode of making fun of this kid. it was Me, daKHAOSguy, and pimpinTyler. khaos asked what programs shade used and shade had this to say. "i use programs on my computer man!" what programs though do you use shade? "well i use programs like.. .. .. .. .. .. uuuhh.. .. .. .. WINRAR, thats W,I,N,R,A,R(he spelt it out for us)" we finally ended up fessing up to just being there to make fun of him bc he was a poser, shade still stood by his story that he had his highground, he just got banned on his other account. <---lol i dnno how this kid got all of our GamerTags, but he asked for us to all be his friend all at the same time. so we had to know who it was, during most of the talking on this video you can see my mic flash, bc im trying to hold in my laughter lol fun times with stupid noobs.
  15. my old boss lives in ontario... he lives at home w/ no friends, but he makes so much money he doesn't care. just to show you how rich he is, my mom works for him at home. she makes 1k every 3 days, and she only works 2hours a day. he went running one day, ran by a BMW dealer, decided he wanted a BMW, so he ran in there and none of the salesmen would even talk to him. he got so pissed off he went home, got better clothes on, and went to the infinity dealer, and bought two G37 Coupe Infinity's just bc he was so mad. he gave me 1k for my 18th birthday, and said buy anything for college. he bought my sisters car. only 1500, but still he was mad that i paid for my own car, lol 600 dollars. but he paid for my custom paint job, 2300 yeah i went to canada for a sr. skip day in high school. we drove there, bc one of our friends changed his mind about joining the military, so he was gnna run to canada untill they forgot about him, sadly we got there and the border patrol wouldn't let him across, bc the military had already put a hold on his passport lol !
  16. wait... aren't you the one who was telling us what all was about it? or are you just asking a question to see who you can put down from their answers?
  17. he was talking about the glitch where you can make clones of yourself. so far no one has figured out how to edit the bipd... so no for now
  18. you have 144GB, and you have used only 33GB. you still have 111GB free. or 111GB of space that you can still use
  19. lol! awesome slightly sparkling
  20. fixed it have you tried it MFone? its great map
  21. super stoked about our site getting so big & popular gz
  22. i think right now leaking isn't a big deal... most of the people who are able to make mods... are very well known plus most of the mods right now are kindof just like random crap thrown all over the map
  23. i would torq him then snipe his head. active reload everytime of course. this kid messed up a lot he didn't have to use half that ammo on him if he wouldn't have messed up his active's still he made it look easy gz
  24. lol i was in the middle of doing that when you uploaded them w00t for this map finally getting out. its very great Infection map guys. really should take the time to play it a couple times. took us like 3 weeks to finally get the elephants all into place
  25. lol thx for releasing this h3 pyro thought he was just so cool bc he had HIS isolation mod... you know i was in a party that had kids willing to give M$ points for the isolation mod lol one kid offered me 4000 M$ points for it. too bad i didn't have this mod 3 days ago lol o well... gz on your mod man, looks great, hope to see you release more
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