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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id...41&ref=name there
  2. http://www.pixlr.com/app/ you know you love it
  3. lol, they aren't trying to create a black hole... some say they think it could be a byproduct of them making the dark matter. the chance of them making a black hole is almost impossible, and it would take like 8 months of that machine continuously running for the light to increase past the speed of light to create the black hole... lol, its 2 am on september 11, 2008... doomsday device will take much longer than a day to destroy the world lol.... prolly about the same time our atmosphere collapses on our cfc-producing asses. you should be more worried about the world being sucked into the sun before man creates black holes lol.
  4. im a 38 in slayer... i never play MM... its stupid.
  5. http://www.jewelrybybear.com/images/1384.jpg
  6. go buy one of these. i have one on my laptop. your laptop just sits on top of it and it has 3 fans inside it http://cambridge.gumtree.com/posting_images/66/23510666__1209980659__1__1-d967cf3a58c36a4f3987b8457c8bed72.__big__.jpg that is a basic one... you can also build your own like so http://server3.uploadit.org/files/Larson2042-32.jpg or get yourself a real fancy one like this... i wouldn't bother though... http://x99.xanga.com/b71d92e274332127062377/z92192679.jpg and for the power supply on the cord... don't let it be in a covered place, or sit on top of carpet. keep it on a flat, non-carpet, surface
  7. ok, this is what is the final thought on this whole fight over who has the better OS... windows is for POWER users. and linux is for 13 year old prepubrescant little girls and old people. windows is for ppl who know how to do more than just play solitare on them. and linux is for ... ignorant people windows is my personal fav... if you couldnt tell lol WINDOWS FTW
  8. i was here about 3 months after the site was made. been a member ever sence, was global mod, but stepped down. IBM - life
  9. that was worse than retarded animal babies...
  10. np anytime thx for teh points
  11. http://files.filefront.com/floatconvertzip...;/fileinfo.html love me forever
  12. my therapist says a good way to get out my anger problems is either sports or writing sh!t down. i have very bad kidneys and it causes my adrenaline to shoot through the roof at very many times during the day. my adrenal glands are imploded, and my epinephrine levels are very high at all parts of the day. i have a lot of "rage" built up inside... thats what my counselor tells me. i fking hate that b!tch. and posting on here is almost like soothing for me calms me down to look at the posts some of these children put, and it reminds me that are very stupid people out there in the world... and that i should always try to smother as many as i can in their sleep.
  13. im not inactive, i just don't comment much anymore, i usually sign on at least once a day
  14. see this is why i dropped out... all you kids are so damn rude. if peaches let just anyone be staff, the site would go to sh!t. that is the honest to god truth as to why this site has lasted so damn long... through the millions of hacks, we have endured... it is our staff... and staff alone that you all even have this site. i find it truely immature of you to call any of our staff sh!tty... and i challenge you to show a true ounce of evidence showing how our staff is bad. i am disgusted with the kids this site has accumulated over the last couple of months... legacy you should never leave... and don't let 1 thing get you down. remember what IBM has done for you, and hopefully you will still check in everyonce in a while just to see where the site goes.... hopefully we can get rid of all these little immature brats disrespecting IBM staff. you know just because staff wont change your name or add a cute queer ass little title for you doesnt mean they are bad staff.... just fking grow up
  15. lol i played this game on halo2 like way before this video was made like im pretty sure it was about 3 months after h2 was released we made this gametype
  16. wow what is taking so long? i watched my friend get a 50 in lone wolves in two days... it was basically non stop playing, but hey it was the day of halo 3 release date.
  17. its a standalone program. no install needed. i have already posted this somewhere else on this site. but i guess two copy's aint bad
  18. okay no more spamming on this topic lol *closed*
  19. you have a mouth, BLOW REALLY HARD
  20. lol basically clean all the old cobwebs out of your crappy tower. love the fact that you made it in a tutorial format though lol
  21. blacklabelfosho


    lol you do realize we have a google bot and im sure microsoft scans all google img's for sh!t like this lol. and u DIDN't blur out the GT. lol hope yah dnt get pwnd. i like how the topic is called on-wed... i was like... wtf is on wed? i shoulda taken screenshot when i had my account with 60k M$ points
  22. looks like they took our idea's about adding AI to multiplayer maps from h2, and did it with h3 damn dev kits... why cant we all just have one
  23. thass fking gross
  24. i like big girls they can fking cook. and are very soft to fall asleep on
  25. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/1218468180.jpg
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