that was my first this is my favorite that i have made
MeLo got all the votes of all the people in my dorm room. and i think his is teh smex. but great job on the others boys. i like lax's creativity with the verticle signature
PSN is free. it isn't built into the games as well as xbl is on 360. i find that ps3 has more of the games that i like to play .. .. such as final fantasy. plus i like reverting back to my roots a lot and going back to playing old school ps2, or ps1 games. completely customizable dashboard. (mine i custom built for me and my roommate and its KKY(my fraternity) themed) the 360 on the other hand has all my friends on it. i only know 2 other people who have a ps3. 1 is TheMasterSnail, and i don't have any of the games he has. and the other person is my roommate. so we play CoD4 together all the time. overall the PS3 has the games that i want. (h3 was disappointing) but 360 has my friends. 360 was $400 for me, but i had to buy the wireless adapter (so $500 for the 360) backwards compatibility for some original xbox games ps3 was $600 but i really like watching blue-ray movies.. and the backwards compatibility works for ALL ps2/ps1 games
did you sata the map back onto your xbox? you need to say what is wrong. like, whatproblems are you having? loading map and it black screens? map not changing?
you know if i had an extra 360 laying around i would chip the sh!t out of it... then put it in an origional xbox. then put all the LED's and sh!t that i want into it.
he says jokes that are like 50 zillion years old man. the washington monument resembles bill clinton? com on.. .. .. that has been said by 5th graders. mind you he is a damn good ventriloquist. he can throw his voice like a champ. but the jokes are more made for 10 year olds... just not for me
i found it a very small map, i wouldn't do more than a 3v3 on this map. and take out the sword. its terrible for this map. the map is wwwaaaaayyy too small for a sword to even be fair on it
very awesome hud mod. he shoulda done more with the skin on the map. i like the weapon placements. much better than bungie's origional layout. rocket hog is very hard to aim lol but very cool idea wonder how they made multiple turrets on the 1 hog
yea we did ask for a lot of things that they didn't listen to at all... instead they gave us equipment...... which now all i ever die to is the damn equipment whores. portable regen is prolly the gayest thing they ever could have made. lifts, trip mines, bubble shield, and portable cover is the only thing they should have put in multiplayer. power drains and regen is the thing everyone whores themselves out to and i have decided not even to walk near their spawns bc there will be a guy from the other team just sitting there camping it. a man with regen and a sniper at long range should never die while that regen is up.