I never said I was leaving. GFX is not all about sigs. I still do other stuff. I just don't do sigs because everyone is so immature about rating them and how much better they are then you. I am staying around. I will trade my GFX spot for a mod spot though
Well this is my first sig in about three months. This also happens to be my first sprite. Say what you want about it I don't care. I dedicate it to Caratti. so its your's to share. This is my Fare well to sigs. I am in to photo editing and thats about it. so here you go caratti enjoy. P.S. wade still owes me 50 dollars http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4484-248.png
I never Said it was bad. And if you are going to make fun of me for my sig, you have to realize I DONT make sigs, I DONT care what it looks like and I DONT care what YOU think....
Every since Halo 3 came out I have not really been in to modding anymore. But now that I think of it I don't even really like playing video games anymore. But I do get a kick out of you guys and I enjoy being here, but lately we have been dead!!! It is getting boring. this site is Amazing!! Peaches you did an AMAZING job but I don't really know if I am still into this kinda stuff Anymore.
Last time mine messed up it cought on fire!!! it turned out my house was hit by lightning and it messed up my xbox so I sent it in and it was not able to be fixed, so they gave me a new one and a 3 year extended warranty and a three month gold membership! so all I have to say is good luck And I hope you get a deal like mine!
whats the most creative forge game you have played or made? I like to put all of the spwan points out side of the turrets on snow bound so they will die when they join!!!
I can pin point filters not enough done to it. to me it looks like Elvis put on top of a picture then used like two filters. sorry you can do better 3/10