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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Sigs due tomorrow!!!!
  2. Yeah it looks fine to me. I am on a 22 inch wide screen. doesn't look that dark....
  3. Good Idea. I didnt care ether way but whatever lol
  4. ^^^ thats the Devils Number^^^^ 667
  5. I like V1 the most. It has good depth, great colors and well balanced. for this I give a 8.5/10 text needs work (but everyone has that problem) Good work though keep it up.
  6. CVR is made by kicker. They are basically Comps on steroids. And You do need to wire your mids to the Amp. Get CVR 12s
  7. It was my own opinion. Just quit bitching because some one said something you didn't like.... I'm sorry. Everyone here agrees your style has no variety. Just listen to what we are saying and try something new. Even if those pieces in your sig area where just thrown together.... guess what..... They are STILL the same style as your Sig.
  8. Two CVR 12's with a 600 watt amp. Or If you want something that will hit hard get what My friend has witch is to CVR 15's with a 1400 watt amp and four kicker comp 12's. That thing is loud. I bet you can get two 15's in there. But trust me One of them hits hard enough.
  9. I added you...
  10. NICE ACCENT!!! WOW lol. Still a good tutorial. Where are you from?
  11. Haha I dont think those should be considered sigs they were a joke. No famous used and the Ak in my other one was different. Whatever I am not auguring with you. The point is non of it is new to use. Sig or not we have seen it for like a month and a half now.
  12. The diamond I saw three of them in your sig when I first saw the topic. The Gun was in your sig the second time I looked at this topic. And I think I remember seeing the Famous emblem before.... I am not saying it to offend you but all your brushes are starting to look the same. switch it up a bit...
  13. Here you go. sorry it took so long... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10601-372.jpg http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/7374/smokiestgrunlqp7.jpg
  14. Colors are cool but You need to use new brushes. these are getting old
  15. Whats his MSN?
  16. I have been looking for a goo render... no luck yet. I promise you will have your sig By 8:00 tomorrow!
  17. lol I was WTF???? lol then I remembered it was April fools
  18. I like it alot. Is that all Pen tool? I also like the master chef for his head. Nice touch! Great Job! 10/10
  19. Great Update. I love the Collapsible category's. BTW WE are Growing!!
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