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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Why didn't you just post in the OTHER topic instead of making a new one?
  2. Ok, but why is Dark a member?
  3. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/10mejia.jpg Yes. Very Epic.
  4. I'm not completely sure, but I think you're implying sarcasm.
  5. Is it good if its higher or lower? 0.0
  6. You're so welcome. Idk what lostmodz was thinking. Good thing you had me.
  7. Had to do some uber blending things to blend your name in, but it turned out perfect. You're welcome. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/soulcollector.jpg
  8. I can use as avatar?
  9. I lol'd. Why don't you just let me report the thread to be closed and we can save some time. K?
  10. LOL! Epic win!
  11. Why does your style do that?
  12. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_05_2009/post-1533-1241483156.jpg You mean this one?
  13. Well I would almost say WoW is better than Halo 3 and most 360 games..
  14. 20? Seriously? I highly doubt that one. Someone can get to 20 in 2 hours.
  15. Dude no. You're just saying this because everyone else said it. Just stop. And when did you start using proper grammar? Now that you're dark green you want to be mature now? Ok look, I was mad about KD because I had a bad day, and I didn't need anyone telling me "Who cares" at the moment. But you lostmodz, you're just a follower. And I'm not in a bad mood this time.. Peaches, can you please come and reply about the "Friends" problem? I reported a problem here. I was asking for a flame war for that? Yes. You have no idea what you're talking about. I had no idea someone was going to come in and be rude.
  16. This is the PROBLEMS section. I'm reporting a PROBLEM with the friends function. Get it? No? Oh. Well then. You're officially retarded.
  17. Justrec


    Yes, I'm pretty sure you didn't know this was a bump...
  18. Theres no option for me to delete any friends, and when someone send me a request, I click decline, and they still show up in my friends space.
  19. Justrec


    no u
  20. I like your style in graphics. Looks epic.
  21. He removed it.
  22. Is that the reconz? ...Lol
  23. Good job posting in this very dead topic.
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