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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Justrec

    Chat roulette

    http://chatrouletteimages.com/wordpress/wordpress-content/uploads/2010/06/chatroulette-screenshot-479.jpg No but seriously, I've had that justin bieber gif as my image one time, and got in with a bunch of 12-13 year olds. They though I was actually him and they gave me their number and shit.
  2. Yep, you can go waaay outside of the map, which I think might make the map very bad. You can close the entrance to the outside part by using forge though.
  3. No...comic con. In the video it said something like "Go outside the base, Comic Con 2010" Meaning they will show off the space outside of the canyon.
  4. They will show something at comic con. Dur.
  5. something special coming soon <3 Justice! (Don't ask me what it is!)
  6. Justrec


  7. I'm not sure.
  8. Did you get it yet Dan? If not, I can get you one. I'll email it to you. PM me your email.
  9. http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e301/Rawzawa/Reaction%20Face/1243996248503.jpg
  10. For: PS3, PC. 360 isn't out yet, but is coming soon. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17071&type=page&ks=960&st=Medal_of_Honor_2010&sc=Global&cp=1&sp=&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1~~q4d6564616c5f6f665f486f6e6f725f32303130~~ncabcat0700000%23%233%23%233&list=y&usc=All+Categories&nrp=15&iht=n
  11. Narnia!?!?!?!
  12. Hologram is pretty gay in my opinion. The only thing I see it doing, is pissing people off.
  13. Meh, there's a big controversy on Bnet, saying that the bases on this map are forged. The teleporters were already confirmed forged in, and people think the bases are because the grass doesn't fit in with how the bases are placed.
  14. Halo Bet you can't stick it
  15. Bungie day is almost here, and Bungie promised us something big. Can't wait! Tomorrow is the day!
  16. Justrec


    That's not really Jester is it? Jesus... o.O
  17. Cool Story Bro
  18. Justrec


  19. I'm donating my code to peaches so he can hold more contests.
  20. I got the email. w00t
  21. Who found the secret pikmin?!!
  22. Leaked pictures are real n00bs
  23. My post on another website: Bungie Video Meet the spartans (Noble Team): http://www.bungie.net/images/games/Reach/background2.jpg Noble Team Names: Jorge-052 (Orange heavy weapons spartan) Kat-320 (Blue prosthetic arm spartan) Carter-259 (The Commander spartan in blue) "Skulls"-??? (The spartan with the skull painted on his face) "Recon"-??? (The sniper on the dropship) "Wolf"-??? (The spartan we assume is the main character) - Possibly the only Spartan III in the group. All the info on Reach that we know of (Gets updated whenever new info is out) http://www.bungie.net/Projects/Reach/default.aspx In-game screenshot: http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/Reach/trailerimages/reach_vga.png And those graphics looks wonderful, If I do say so myself.
  24. Lulz bump ftw?
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