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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. YES! Finally Gameplay for all of the new maps. Longshore doesn't look bad. And they finally made an exact remake of a map. The blackout thing wasn't nearly as good as lockout, but heretic looks exactly the same as midship. W00t
  2. Yes. Good job. You know how to count! 2094
  3. OMGz GIVE CREDIT! /Sarcasm Also, Lock fail..
  4. @ Peaches Yeah well you know I would If I could view the site with firefox..
  5. Its been going great, but starting this morning when I try to view this site in firefox, I get this: http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/WTFIBMLOLOLLOL.jpg Yes.. I've tried clearing my cache and cookies.
  6. Lulz theres going to be a Gears 3? Anyway, Halo:Reach FTW! Dude peaches, Gears 3 is scheduled for Fall 2011 at the LEAST... That's like the game that's farthest away.
  7. You know, links would be very helpful.
  8. Justrec

    Dan r cool

  9. You weren't here when he first updated.
  10. Yes. You will get unbanned. Using a proxy or making another account isn't unbanned.
  11. Can't wait!
  12. ...Stop acting like you can't get banned..
  13. Justrec


    Cmon I only have about 30. You have enough!
  14. Justrec


    GRRR I WANT INVITES!!!! I'm taking over now. Pargy is taking a break. Want invites? Post here!
  15. I'm guessing its time to close the thread..?
  16. You wouldn't know what they mean if you haven't been looking at the other updates.
  17. Lolz, -rep fail.
  18. Justrec


    I'm inviting people now. If you want in, say so. Prototype and games like that are only 60 points and you start with like 25.
  19. CALL IT!
  20. Justrec


    Won't let me sign in.. stupid site.
  21. LMFAO! Dude was that seriously Halodude? He looks exactly like I thought he would...lolz.
  22. Lolz I firsted the weekly update. All the bungie kids got mad cause they all sat there F5ing all day. ... Which I didn't do. I was there when it was posted so I decided to first it lololol.
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