YES! Finally Gameplay for all of the new maps. Longshore doesn't look bad. And they finally made an exact remake of a map. The blackout thing wasn't nearly as good as lockout, but heretic looks exactly the same as midship. W00t
Its been going great, but starting this morning when I try to view this site in firefox, I get this: Yes.. I've tried clearing my cache and cookies.
Lulz theres going to be a Gears 3? Anyway, Halo:Reach FTW! Dude peaches, Gears 3 is scheduled for Fall 2011 at the LEAST... That's like the game that's farthest away.
Lolz I firsted the weekly update. All the bungie kids got mad cause they all sat there F5ing all day. ... Which I didn't do. I was there when it was posted so I decided to first it lololol.