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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Ah, so you're the nerd that bullies pay to do their homework while they are out having a life.
  3. If you are the last one to post in this thread, you are sexy. I made this thread on se7en ALONG time ago, and its still getting replies today. Its at a crap load of pages. http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/forum-games/93384-last-one-post-sexy-thread.html
  4. Go to your profile > Top right 'Edit My Profile' > Settings > Change Display Name .. Why don't you?
  5. You mean like Dev Kit mods that help no-one else but the people willing to spend $1000 on one to show off?
  6. That's not funny. When white kids make black 'ghetto' avatars, people lose respect for them.
  7. K?
  8. Yup.
  9. What about peach?
  10. I think I can pull some strings.
  11. We hunt them down, you fix them.
  12. Nah.
  13. But you have to wait a year too? Thats brilliant.
  14. *High Fives* Thats the best one.
  15. I want to come to both. You can stick me in a lamp. Rub the lamp to let me out whenever we reach our destination.
  16. ..... Yeah thats right. Look at my About Me page.
  17. Donors+ Should be dark green.
  18. It won't let me!!! I get this: You cannot change your display name until you have 115 more approved posts And I didn't even change my name yet
  19. Nooo... Bai
  20. But what about all the past help topics that didn't get answered? Plus, the new members won't go up there to ask for help. If theres not a section, they will just make the topic in the main forum.
  21. Because Donor+ people are really VIP. I think even though they donate, they should still be under VIP. Under the VIP legend, People can tell if you are a VIP donor if you are blue. Wait donors+ doesn't show in VIP either. Yeah, thats a problem.
  22. So you're not moving all those topics to the Help Desk? Because theres no topics in the Help Desk when I go there, and I wanted to reply to a topic in the Archived place, but they are all locked, and you got rid of the sections.
  23. Why'd you change it? It was more organized the other way. Halo modders could easily just go to the Halo 3 Support section and answer most if not all those questions, but now they have to dig in the Help section.
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