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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. LOL your bad? You just said you played offline and found spartan laser shots..
  2. Please tell me where you have seen a staff post in this topic. If you think dark green is staff, then you sir, are retarded.
  3. Justrec


  4. God I was hoping that we could play it... Have you actually tried it before posting this?
  5. Ok?
  6. Why is everyone talking about MFone like hes some kind of 'famous guy'? I've been friends with him since Halo 2. His goal was actually trying to become one of those well known modders dude so everyone could be all like 'OH SHIZ ITZ MFONE!' But then his dreams became true, and he got cocky. He got closer and closer to his fame and just ignored me for all those modderz dudez.... Mfone really isn't that great.
  7. WTF! was that the first comment on a page that peaches posted...on? OMG!
  8. Hear that decatur? Don't lock and go all 'No credit gabe. Me must lock.'
  9. ... I'm never signing into xbox.com again.
  10. Yeah I found that out a week ago..
  11. Lol noob. They aren't even focused on you most of the time -.-
  12. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk303/Dizturbed82/notprepared-full-1.jpg
  13. LOL! WTF! This section was waaaay off.
  14. Yes.
  15. It will say that if you try and post.
  16. You're so smart.. I get one of those fatal error things when I try and click a new topic.. Had to keep pressing back to get in this one.
  17. This Plus, you really sucked at 3:45-3:52
  18. Look we are all grey..
  19. http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/103797
  20. The shoutbox is the soul purpose of this site nowadays. Fix that nao plox.
  21. Testing quick reply..
  22. Ok so, the way you spelled Collector is different from the way you spelled it in the sig..
  23. Justrec


    He has a slow ass connection...?
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