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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo289/Justrec/desktopnao.jpg
  2. Won't he just move it back?...lol
  3. Gawd another Slipstream and Smokie thing..
  4. T3A sucks.
  5. Yeah, well my dev broke along time ago.
  6. That's wrong... Watch all the way through.
  7. w00000t. Its a matter of time before it gets released so halo modding can be what it used to be.
  8. LOLL!
  9. Halo 3 raw? Things possible? Explain further plox.
  10. Since when did we have a '.com'?
  11. Don't ... Make fun ... Of teh Burnie.. > : (
  12. Does this still work?
  13. Can you pic which one you want to watch or does it go by the schedule on the actual channel? Anyway, I like: Assains Creed. ~ Its a fun adventure game, I haven't played the playstation version, but I'm pretty sure they are about the same. You have to sneak on buildings, climb walls, pick pocket, assassin people, and its not one of those short games with just one level. I bought the game a couple of weeks ago and I'm still playing through the levels trying to beat it. There's a lite version and the actual one costs about 5.99 or 4.99 Tetris It's actually fun, but not as much levels as the original version. Forgot how much its costs. Text Plus It's free and you can with people with regular phones and other iPod's or iTouches.
  14. Jmd, you can get a level 55 prestige in CoD4..
  15. Justrec


    Uhm, what games did you get the PS3 for? All the good ones are for the 360 also.
  16. ..Where have I seen you before?
  17. I hate watching these videos. It just makes me wish that Halo 3 wasn't made and Halo 2 stayed forever. People doesn't go back to halo 2 anymore because of stupid H3. I used to love joining random games of slayer and modding around, outside the map, etc.
  18. I lol'd at the end with the wolf thingies.
  19. I'm saying, when little non black kids do that because they think it's funny..
  20. That sucks. I actually feel sorry for him because of the way the news station made it look. Looks like the whole family is depressed now, and the fact that he actually used all of his money on that account is sad.
  21. Yeah, he said he was going to slow down his avatar, but I guess he never got it..
  22. Justrec

    RSV & RSV2 Night

    Lol. Epic fails..
  23. Man look at all those words. 9/10
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