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Everything posted by HaloModder2000

  1. I need a hack for 32 bit and what the heck was that? I need a hack to run DVC 170 Capture card in other programs like vegas, virutal dub, movie maker, not drivers to run Instant DVD Recorder and Studio10 on Vista
  2. 0k usually i know this stuff but i need some help.. 0k i know that DVC 170 Dazzle Capture Cards only run in Studio 10 and Instant DVD Recorder and im a vista user and i still get BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) even with the drivers so is there like a mod/hack to run my capture card in other programs like Movie Maker,Virtual Dub, Vegas
  3. MeLo expect a friend request from some gay guy named Mr LatePenguin. Thats Me
  4. June 25, ewwww why cant school cant just be out already
  5. I'll be in GT Mr LatePenguin I used to friends with u twiggy, i have a xsata
  6. HaloModder2000


    Wonder I think it is one of my better or maybe even my best signature. C&C
  7. HaloModder2000


    good job, it seems every signature your 10x's better, all together 9.5/10 very smexy work
  8. hm.. go to a hospital!
  9. Its pixelated cause its a .jpeg. Happy use .png for highst possible quality
  10. i found out that this was by Shad0w LaG and was made for sligstorm
  11. idc ! it dosent work so? we just made it if you dont like my attude ban me?!?!?!
  12. we just made the U.I!!! jesus we just started this f*cking project so if you dont like it f*** off
  13. Halo 3 Map Resigner Made By Mr LatePenguin & Omega Anarchy Update May 24 2008, 4:01 PM O.k The resigner is still at its current state. We are planing to redo the U.I. We now have Shade assisting us. Nothing much else. Update: I Will update pictures ever other day. Currently you can enter the I.D's but you cannot resign! I will not relese the useless .exe even if a don't work! The picture's will be in line from oldest to newest. May 22,2008 4:52 PM Picture NOTES: Some of you are wondering why is there a black line? Answer: Are site link was blacked out cause i don't want a advertising ban.
  14. screw you , it was to see if it works and anyways daKHAOSguy024 gave it to me so, screw you
  15. O.k there is a fake VIRUS!! Con resigner if you have a resigner that looks like this remove it!!! This Will "Resign" your mod to 0kb and when you start up your computer in any mode (Normal,Safe Mode, ETC) It will have a black background a My Documents will start up to fix this follow these steps How to fix. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.After "My Documents" Loads Press (CTRL+ALT+DELETE) 2. Click File >> New Task (Run...) 3. It will start up run then type (Explorer) 4. Your computer is fixed!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  16. O.k Mods or peaches time to close this down we have a 116kb mod i had it rehashed by shade and resigned by a friend now dont go up to shade and go "i saw a forum post and want you to rehash my mod"
  17. someone elses
  18. were using 116kb
  19. it was rehashed by Shade45
  20. tell u the truth its me that gave him the rehashed mod so...
  21. I'm In. GMT-05:00 I've Been here since the first day the old site was open so i think thats older then 6 months
  22. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15089-48.jpg this expect mines black
  23. I Fixed the pictures there now attachments so no ripping
  24. Modded Sandtrap v1 (102 Elephants) Made by Shad0w LaG Post written up by Mr LatePenguin of iBotModz.net Post re-written up by iBotPeaches of iBotModz.net Features: - 102 Elephants - 1 Elephant out of map - 1 Elephant sitting ontop of tower Pictures Video coming soon Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Forum Post (download fixed)
  25. my vista didnt come with a disk it was already instralled all i did was set it up
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