Heres my tut all done in 20 mins Requirements Xsata or Xport Xport 360 Or Xplorer 360 (Xport 360 Comes With Xport ) (Xplorer360 comes with a Xsata) I will use a Xplorer 360 Enjoy I Hope you enjoyed my tut NOTE: SORRY THESE PICS ARE SMALL
I mod my 360 on a Xport.... which is i take my 360 harddrive (HDD) out of my 360 hook in my USB port then put the HDD on the dock (NOT CONNECTED TO MY 360 IN ANY WAY) i use to use a XP computer but i gave it to my parents and bought a nice VISTA but now when i plug it in my VISTA it says the FATA drive cant be found some1 on you said update your vista but i did and STILL nothing ... so... please help me find a answer!!!!
xHdTx HaloModder's Look into the eye signature APPX. Time Made in 25 Minutes Signature: Rate 1/10 Leave Feedback Enjoy, xHdTx HaloModder
I would like to face my student i have been teaching Sweeney Size:370x130 Images: Stocks Only Color Black and White only Including Font Due Date: 3 Days Teacher vs Student Do you Accpect...?