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Everything posted by HaloModder2000

  1. They look simply awesome!
  2. And why dont you shut up.... he's feeling sad he dont need ur sh!t Dark Slipstream - Indeed.
  3. mines 1,15,2082 two diffrent clocks said 2082 as the years
  4. when i talked to him on aim awhile back he said he wanted to have buttsecks with me and my friends
  5. haxalots rehasher can rehasher "any size " he claims
  6. Yay ! Its my birthday I'm finally 11 years old! Its still me.... just more sexy THE BEST SONG TO CELEBRATE THE BEST DAY EVER!
  7. I hope she does fine, we'll be praying...
  8. Ok simple as this, Its possible Shade and Anthony do not have developers kits and they modded recon, The only modders with dev kits are, DeToX, Shadow LaG, XeNoN.7, Roofus Many people know where it is, and its pretty obvious... But like Crosseyes said you log in you lose your recon... now stop arguing
  9. Means were getting DDOS, But we will probley have the site up momentarly after the DDOS
  10. I think that the point mod will be pretty cool. For these great updates you moderators and admins get this http://johngaltfla.com/blog2/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/dancingbanana.gif
  11. Me neither im running the site off a proxy but when i try it without one it wont load
  12. Superrasions con resigner does shades dosent
  13. Huge Frickin amount of blood, Good Find I'm Gonna rent it
  14. If you get ripped before you get your money back talk to xxskatezeroxx or xxxskatezeroxxx he will help you...
  15. Sounds Good , But no smexy montage intillz da fall?
  16. Dark if you keep modding ill give you reconzz,a muffin and two bagels , Come on your a great modder!
  17. yes, lol im not a ripper
  18. sweeney accpect my friend request lol
  19. This is one of my fav tags. Reconzzzz http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23699-242.png
  20. sweet, and just lettin you know its called a titontron.
  21. guys add my new account everyone!! GT: XeNoNPeNgUiNv2
  22. nah im making a new account now, just knowing the person will go to jail makes me happy enough
  23. Hey guys, im just lettin my friends on xbox live on this site that my xbox live account was hacked im buying a new one now. And the person who hacked it will be banned and be prosucted. Now guys that arent on my friends list dont go"Who the h3!! cares,screw you" anyone here who has Mr LatePenguin on there friends list remove it and add my new account XeNoNPeNgUiNv2
  24. not with teh DVC170
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