Ok i was talking to shade45 on MSN IM and I said i donate money for is paypal if he taught me how to resign he said on XBox1 you could use a OXM Demo Disc to resign but then he had to go... Anyone know how, cause then we can use that most likely to mod Halo 3 forge maps
Oh My F***in God HES!!!!! NOT!!! A!!!! MODDER!!!!! He can not mod he only has mods like snowbound because sligfag gave them to him HE CANT MOD!!!! I KNOW MORE ABOUT MODDING THEN HIM AND IM F***ING 10 AND HES A TEEN!!!!!!
Ok guys. just to clear things up ShotSpartins not a modder. He hangs out with SligFag. He said he uses a program to mod called Auto Aim Not Real. And he said he resigns, then a few days later says Anthony resigns for him. And i asked only for Anthony to say no. So he's not a modder. Shotspartin stop trying to be sligstorm Mods You Claimed as your own (Just to let you guys know. Not Trying to start a Flame Wars) Love , Mr LatePenguin U Sl*t
yep but my computers slow i got it outta the garge trying to get it work again should i do a system restore that deletes allthe stuff i download? because almost nothing appers in the add/remove
ok i am having major computer issues 1. it allways say C:Users/Owner/Desktop is not asscible acess denied which wont let me do anything 2. disk defragment is gone like deleted magical 3. any help i really need help
I have every mod from high ground, to sandtrap , to last resort, to the rare vallaha send me a friend request and ill give you them [gamercard:2zqgs2hx]Mr LatePenguin[/gamercard:2zqgs2hx]
I Love what has happend to the site and i think it will get us more members due to the add ons like UserBar Maker --> AWESOME Arcade ---> Rapesauce Medals --> New Portal --> Who else thinks these add ons will get us more members?
ITS FAKE!! i posted screenies on another post all it does is resigns containers and maps and ecrpyt nuthing else plus its FAKE!! so i dont matter i got a leaked version!
not to my knowledge you will be able to mod foundry,rats nest,standoff when Xeon& ShadowLag relese there modding program but most likly no you will need to burn isos to disk
This Was By Xeon and ShadowLag ok a new modding program has been made WITH a working resigner. So LIVE modding can now be done. Pics: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8054-639.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8054-640.jpg Here is a tut i wrote on where to put the new maps in th eheroic DLC: well to find them yourself you must connect your 360 HDD to a device like XSATA or XPORT, reboot your 360, open up a software like Xplorer360 and click Drive>-Open>-Harddrive or Memcard... Then go to partion 3-content-0000000000000000-4D5307E6-00000002. But to turn them to .map from .file you need a software called wxPirs from http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/xbox360pc/dev ... rs-1.1.rar (you need the new winrar). Then extract using the software and you get the Maps and the new forge items. Or u can just download the ones i have hosted: To get the .map files clic on the URL next to the names. A little guide to the name of the maps: Armory = Rat's nest http://files.filefront.com/armoryrar/;9 ... einfo.html Warehouse = foundry http://files.filefront.com/warehouserar ... einfo.html Bunkerworld = Standoff. http://files.filefront.com/bunkerworldr ... einfo.html Or u can hotswap. "IM SORRY BUT THEY HAVE NOT RELESED THE LINK BUT THIS TOOL WAS USED TO MAKE THIS
I WILL ADD A LINK WHEN ITS RELESED SOON" Then there u go u can mod H3. (first posted by Shad0wLag, SligStorm on Xbox Tampers)