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Everything posted by HaloModder2000

  1. Ok i was talking to shade45 on MSN IM and I said i donate money for is paypal if he taught me how to resign he said on XBox1 you could use a OXM Demo Disc to resign but then he had to go... Anyone know how, cause then we can use that most likely to mod Halo 3 forge maps
  2. Oh My F***in God HES!!!!! NOT!!! A!!!! MODDER!!!!! He can not mod he only has mods like snowbound because sligfag gave them to him HE CANT MOD!!!! I KNOW MORE ABOUT MODDING THEN HIM AND IM F***ING 10 AND HES A TEEN!!!!!!
  3. i just sed that did u read my post
  4. yeh cause he's a b****
  5. Ok guys. just to clear things up ShotSpartins not a modder. He hangs out with SligFag. He said he uses a program to mod called Auto Aim Not Real. And he said he resigns, then a few days later says Anthony resigns for him. And i asked only for Anthony to say no. So he's not a modder. Shotspartin stop trying to be sligstorm Mods You Claimed as your own (Just to let you guys know. Not Trying to start a Flame Wars) Love , Mr LatePenguin U Sl*t
  6. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/11633-283.png There just reportin a bug See yall.
  7. someone close i needed the white thing to play xbox 1 discs so i took that computer and broke it out no more pc problems
  8. yep but my computers slow i got it outta the garge trying to get it work again should i do a system restore that deletes allthe stuff i download? because almost nothing appers in the add/remove
  9. ok i am having major computer issues 1. it allways say C:Users/Owner/Desktop is not asscible acess denied which wont let me do anything 2. disk defragment is gone like deleted magical 3. any help i really need help
  10. ill be on halo 3 in a bit black
  11. I have every mod from high ground, to sandtrap , to last resort, to the rare vallaha send me a friend request and ill give you them [gamercard:2zqgs2hx]Mr LatePenguin[/gamercard:2zqgs2hx]
  12. and thats excatly what were aiming for!
  13. I Love what has happend to the site and i think it will get us more members due to the add ons like UserBar Maker --> AWESOME Arcade ---> Rapesauce Medals --> New Portal --> Who else thinks these add ons will get us more members?
  14. plantwomen... lol anyways nicw 95/10
  15. really... can u find it i looked and they only have GFORCE 9 something ill buy you a dev kit
  16. i have 6150 is there a update or a driver or something!! that make 6150 to 6600 i need 6600 to play call of duty 4
  17. this is awesome thanks peaches =D
  18. High grounds weapon holders shot out wraih shots
  19. ITS FAKE!! i posted screenies on another post all it does is resigns containers and maps and ecrpyt nuthing else plus its FAKE!! so i dont matter i got a leaked version!
  20. Shade Made Highground Anthony Made Sandtrap
  21. impossible.... its arcade games arent on your xbox there on xbox lives server not your xbox and demos dont work we tried...
  22. IT Is true... its contains dozens of MC & Elite Clones and Highground gates at the beach Try it... its awesome
  23. not to my knowledge you will be able to mod foundry,rats nest,standoff when Xeon& ShadowLag relese there modding program but most likly no you will need to burn isos to disk
  24. This Was By Xeon and ShadowLag ok a new modding program has been made WITH a working resigner. So LIVE modding can now be done. Pics: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8054-639.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8054-640.jpg Here is a tut i wrote on where to put the new maps in th eheroic DLC: well to find them yourself you must connect your 360 HDD to a device like XSATA or XPORT, reboot your 360, open up a software like Xplorer360 and click Drive>-Open>-Harddrive or Memcard... Then go to partion 3-content-0000000000000000-4D5307E6-00000002. But to turn them to .map from .file you need a software called wxPirs from http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/xbox360pc/dev ... rs-1.1.rar (you need the new winrar). Then extract using the software and you get the Maps and the new forge items. Or u can just download the ones i have hosted: To get the .map files clic on the URL next to the names. A little guide to the name of the maps: Armory = Rat's nest http://files.filefront.com/armoryrar/;9 ... einfo.html Warehouse = foundry http://files.filefront.com/warehouserar ... einfo.html Bunkerworld = Standoff. http://files.filefront.com/bunkerworldr ... einfo.html Or u can hotswap. "IM SORRY BUT THEY HAVE NOT RELESED THE LINK BUT THIS TOOL WAS USED TO MAKE THIS I WILL ADD A LINK WHEN ITS RELESED SOON" Then there u go u can mod H3. (first posted by Shad0wLag, SligStorm on Xbox Tampers)
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