Hey, Since the game skate. dosen't have many people who play it. We're making a list of all the gamers who play skate. on this site reply with your XBox Live Gamertag to be entered on the list 1. iTz NeXXuS (xHdTxHaloModder) 2. Noodle1119 (Noodle1119) Reply to make a bigger list Add iTz NeXXuS (xHdTxHaloModder) To join the team
Vote xHdTxHaloModder for New Moderator! First Member, and Ex. Moderator! I give you shmexy Interwebz cookies for vote I have over 1000 posts.... FIRST MODERATOR ON IBOTMODZ! Very very Sexy! Trust Worthey Admin on other sites... Great HTML, JS, PHP Knowledge
Ummmmm.... This has nothing to do with Problems/ Suggestions.... And if your on about the Spoiler Modding Program, It will be made because Dark Slipstream is one of the best Coders on this site
Hey, I'm looking for a WORKING XBox 360 With a Flashed DVD Drive to play my backup discs.... I need the XBox 360 to come with these wires: XBoX 360 + Flashed Disc Drive Hard Drive AC Power Supply AV/ Cords I would like a controller but its optional I will pay up to $399 If you will sell me it for up to $400 PM me...
I have some HP Invent, DVD - r 16x 4.7 gb 120mm discs are those right? and how do i patch the security? PS: Peaches, Could you possibly get on MSN Messenger, So you can explain thus more clearly?
I need a tutorial for old map modding discs.... Not raw dumping, I know how to do that but my computer dont have a hole so i cant hotswap.... I followed A tutorial called how to make Modded disc on the 5 page of modding tutorials, The tutorial was posted by iBotPeaches.... Any ways when I try peaches tutorial it always fails every map I try to load!! Can some guide me in the right direction of Disc modding.... Oh and I opened my Xbox so I can hotswap.... Because paper clip trick dont work..... So just please reply someone... Possibly Peaches Thank You xHdTx HM ________________________________________________________________________ 1.What I Do to make modded discs: 2.Get basic Folders ex. Media, Maps, Default.xbe, Fonts, 3.Put Resigned Modded Maps in Maps Folder 4.Use Quix to make an ISO 5.Use Magic ISO to burn ISO EDIT: Here's Peaches TUT, I was talking about Click Here to View iBotPeaches, How to Make Modded Disc's Topic