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Everything posted by HaloModder2000

  1. iPod Touch Drum set 4 GB Flash drive Arm warmer's Socks (Which my bird crapped on) Sweatshirts Call of duty WaW Left 4 Dead GOW 2 (Hammer Burst Edition) Kung-Fu Panda 1600 Microsoft Points $25 Giftcard to GameStop
  2. Christmas eve is in a hour for me
  3. Keep me I'm sexyyy
  4. I'm selling my Pre opened XBox 360... Includes- Xbox 360 System, Power Cable A/V Cable Disk Drive type: BENQ Vad6038 Pay Method - PayPal http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=270315628002
  5. Accattly lolz mispelling Team Binary, has 83 Team Hex, 2 lolz...
  6. No.... I accidently set it to $10.... I'm saying I fixed now its $5
  7. Today I'll show you how to start a program which loads a website 1. First load Visual basic.... http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/5897/form1am6.png 2. Double click anywhere on your blank program.... Which will load this screen http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/5897/form1am6.png 3. Now type in System.Diagnostics.Process.Start ("Enter the web url here") http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/236/form3rl6.png 4. For this example i'll use iBotModz.net http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/8127/form4rh8.png 5. Then under System.Diagostics.Process.Start ("Enter the web url here") Type in Me.Close http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/6058/form5kd5.png 6. Then save the program and your done! Written by iTz NeXXuS
  8. Fixed $10 Dollar Reason: I accidently put tax as $5.00....
  9. 1. I bought all the accounts I own.... 2. I'll fix the $10 thing
  10. I have a couple rapidshare accounts... I do NOT them and don't think they should goto waste They both have a month or two left They only cost $5 per. and Rapidshare.com sell 30 days for $7 dollars So you'd get a bargain Plus you can upload a file over 10 megabytes, you get one download, Get 100 downloads on a file over 10 megabytes and you can extend your account for another month.... So free rapidshare! http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif How to use: Donate $5 After you donate I'll read what email donated to me Then I email you your RS Info
  11. Flashed the drive..... Admin/Mod. Delete this post
  12. ITS NOT NOODLE! It's his brother....
  14. iTz NeXXuS
  15. Hello, I'm asking for anyone to please donate me PayPal.com money... I will pay you back within two weeks but I need a total of $22 dollars.... So If you can donate from 1-5 dollars, It would be greatly appricated and I will repay as soon as possible I will also trade for an amount of money... Ex. Unbanned KV= $1 - $5, | 1 Year live $10 - $15, | Pinnacle Studio = $15 - $20
  16. Yellow is a trusted member, He traded me a 1 year xbox live account, for a working KeyVault.
  17. Or, You can download a torrent with it already full....
  18. ? Please give more detail into your mod request
  19. I've been saving for a Dev-Kit and now I'm looking to buy one Any idea where to find one? Thanks....
  20. Added the following Sillybob123 xDansomee Fredrick37 (Bungi)
  21. OH forgot thanx ill post now
  22. iBotModz Gamers Night When?: Friday Nights Where?: Halo 3 Usually Why?: For people home bored on Friday nights To play in Game Night, Reply with your Gamertag here, then expect a friend request from iTz NeXXuS PS: Make sure your friends list isn't full Post some fun gametypes to play, along with your XBox Live Gamertag You MUST Post your Gamertag to play, No Exceptions Times: Friday: 6:00PM - 9:00 PM EST Time (NOTICE: Some nights may go longer then 9:00, But you are welcome to leave after 9:00 Current Players attending Game Night on Nov. 28 6:00-9:00 iTz NeXXuS (xHdTxHaloModder) Sillybob123 xDansomee Fredrick37 (Bungi) Decatur iz Str8 (Decatur) Omega Anarchy Wittiercash (XxQuinnzoxX) Hi Im Dom (GMOF Slidell) xIGPx sword yellowyoiker MFG FkN ROBiX (BTKC124) ONLY 5 SLOTS FOR THIS FRIDAYS GAME Location times: UK: 11:00PM-2:00AM EST: 6:00PM-9:00PM Concerns? Questions? AIM: XeNoNSk8terZ MSN: CodedGaming@hotmail.com
  23. ^^^^^ HAHA^^^^^^ This is a good topic.... About these upcomming features
  24. Ditto http://i410.photobucket.com/albums/pp190/GMOF_Tucker/threadfailure.png
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