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Everything posted by HaloModder2000

  1. guys im sorry like crazy eights u have 50 posts these people on the list have like 800 some even have 2000+ and u havent been on the site for long these are guys here since our old forums!
  2. My Halo 2 Vista / Halo 3 Montage a cross game montage and it will feature the maps only for halo 2 vista http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7832-660.png
  3. its coool 7.5/10 iffy but ok i likes it
  4. i was the 8th member of ibotmodz im gonna be here till god takes me to heaven
  5. Heres The List Of Active people thta are keeping this site alive im sorry if your not on here Admin & Sub Admins iBotPeaches Fattwam Nielsss TheMasterSnail Moderator Dark Master StevenSVE Blacklabelfosho Graphic Team Xx Legacy xX Laxmonster54 D1CEx14 Caratti ~V.I.P~ Sweeney DeathGrip xHdTxHaloModder SmokiestGrunl Noodle1119 Spartan0m3ga Snowmon333 Demon23 We owe this guys made props these where special people who i think have helped and have been active NOTE: PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WONDERING WHEN WE STARTED WE STARTED AT OCT. 18
  6. yes it does my friend on xbl has it
  7. yep, me a happy penguin i hate mm anyway so i wont mind
  8. Read the red info that i highlighted and u can also read banhammer stuff http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7691-670.png
  9. thats going in my signature now!! sweetness sig 8.5/10
  10. the clear one is much better can i see a likn to your first montage plxor?
  11. this was anarchy i cant wait to see the whole version
  12. 274 right?
  13. enter me in this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/7517-692.png
  14. This was written by Shadow Lag the a halo 3 modder! ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I am going to make a all in one thread of all the information I have given out so far so the same questions will not be asked. What has happened? XeNoN7 and I have found a way to modify Halo 3. You must have a XDK right? No we do not use a stock XDK So then you must have a Halo 3 map resigner? No Halo 3 is near impossible to hack without a way of running homebrew it is a slim to none chance there will ever be a Halo 3 map resigner. Then what did you use? A stock Xbox360. Then how does it run homebrew did you use the hypervisor exploit? No unfortunately it is much more complicated then that. There is hardware involved. You may or may not already know but there is another way to make your stock 360 run homebrew with parts from another system, What system you may ask? A xbox development kit. It is possible to create a Devkit out of your own stock xbox360 with a few devkit parts making it a hybrid xbox360. We learned however that such machines can actually access both xbox live and partnernet alike. We discovered this by mistake when running the stock360 dashboard. This is why such methods are dangerous to the public. Cool how do I upgrade my 360 to a hybrid? (update) Its a xbox360 upgraded with XDK parts. Unfortunately the only way to do this is have unused parts for the xbox360 and build your own, that or have M$ do it. I know 3 people with upgraded xbox360s to XDK which is a hybrid (which was the nickname I gave it) of two different versions of xbox360 parts. The software however takes on the form of xdk but for what ever reason Xenon7's can access live according to him for what ever reason which is why we chose to keep it secret but now since xenon7 is volunteering to give up this information. We still not going to give out information where we received the parts nor how it is made. (I myself really don't even have the basics of building one). In short its a upgraded xbox360 with xdk software. For such a complicated system you sound like you know nothing about it. We XeNoN7 on the contrary does, however he had a friend supply the parts for him and XeNoN7 upgraded it himself. However he seems to know a lot about the process. I however am using a friends hybrid that he was supplied to by a separate guy. I do not always have access to my hybrid nor do I know really how it is built that is XeNoN7's area. So how exactly did you get the mods to work? Despite what many may think having a XDK or a upgraded 360 hybrid doesn't make maps automatically load. Instead XeNoN7 and I worked on a rather beautiful tool that real time halo's the mods in through the network! Thats right. However this is another reason why we won't release information about much hybrid360's its because of the fact that if you can stream the mods into a game and access live, then you can certainly go into matchmaking undetected and then turn the mods on ingame. We do not support cheating. Thats cool but hasn't this been done before? No the last instance of halo 3 moding was used on a STOCK XDK with a edited xex to run halo 3 maps off the hardrive without flagging them down for not having the correct signature. This was done by kornman, this isn't the same method. Is this tool like engineer? Our tool makes engineer look like dothalo compared to entity. XeNoN7 made sure it did everything correctly and allowed meta to be read beyond map and made it so tons more tags were labeled and the features on it are amazing. I assisted in the debugging and fine tuning of the app. I also brainstormed Ideas for drastic improvement that has made it into the app itself. How does this help me? XeNoN7 will be releasing plugins and other things from the app on halomods. Does the app let me mod my maps and run them? No you will need to wait for a custom homebrew kernel to come out. and no I'm not talking about an exploitable kernel. I am talking about a kernel edited by modders to run homebrew right off the dash. This is the safest way for mods to be accomplished while keeping xbox live safe.
  15. crap that plan was good till i forgot map resigner
  16. modding halo 3 might be possible if halo 2 downloadble content was able to mod using xport/xsata wouldnt rats nest , foundry , standoff because there downloadble content couldnt you get them use enginer to mod the tthen put them back on your xbox
  17. lets make this site bigger im only good in photoshop with ads pics ill help there heres my idea lets add a Music Section Playstation Gaming Section Wii Section HandHelds Etc also we could make this a better site by changing a name modding is pretty done with now
  18. sorry i was in a hurry
  19. OMG i downloaded turned on my 360 and cant log on after WTF!!
  20. Heres iBotModz UserBars For Each Group Admin http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4635-219.png [IMG=http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243/HaloModder2000/iBotModzadmin.png] Moderator http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4635-220.png [IMG=http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243/HaloModder2000/iBotModzM.png] Graphics http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4635-221.png [IMG=http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243/HaloModder2000/iBotModzgraphics.png] V.I.P http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4635-222.png [IMG=http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243/HaloModder2000/iBotModzVIP.png] Member http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4635-223.png [IMG=http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243/HaloModder2000/iBotModzMem.png] Feel Free To use Them, See You Guys Around
  21. noodles level is for cursing over some stupid flamethrower | | | | | | /
  22. no u dont get banned but when u go in matchmaking after 20 seconds u loose connection but no ban but u can play customs maps mods just fine with no losing connection the rumor was true and smokie same thing because i was using a 360 for this
  23. This Weekend i was thinking i wonder what would happen iff i go on xbox halo 2 matchmaking with spawn mods so i loaded up on a spawn mods pack got ready to risk my xbl account and i played for about 10-30 seconds and it said the troubleshoot thing i looked every wire was plugged in good and i logged back in and did it again and it happend again BUNGIE HAS STOPPED BANNING IN HALO 2 MATCHING MODDERS WOOT THIS IS FOR ALL THE XBOX owners! and 360 OWNERZ
  24. i looked at your montage b4 i new who were lol
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