Hmm Porn site you say ? Maybe if i get the site i will put it on a nice offshore host and load it up with auto posting bot that would just post porn from all other top sites and we would have a HUGE porn data base lmao. Or a warez site they always are successful.
I agree with you 100%, If Bungie did actually make "kick-ass" maps there would be no need, Don't they see this ? The community is recreating the old cause the new isn't that good. Look in Halo 3 even... They tried to use guardian as a substitute to lockout then realized the players wanted lockout then had to bring back the original even though they still edited the map from its original halo 2 version which still made the game play differ. They also said that they were not going to come out with a recreate of Blood Gulch/Coag and after halo 3 they did "forge world" which still is a shitty remake of it. Then with ODST they just got money hungry, they released a new Campaign with firefight and the EXACT SAME multilayer for the same price as halo 3 when it came out... Something doesn't sit right there.
On Thursday, December 02, 2010 at around 9:30 EST iBotModz was offline until about 12:30 AM EST the following morning (3 hours). I just wanted to fill everyone in on what happened, Several weeks ago one of the main routers was changed that my server in connected to but it seems that they did not install proper DDOS migration hardware, meaning for the past few weeks the server was vulnerable to DDOS attacks it just so happens that yesterday one of the sites on my server got hit (Not iBotModz). After the attack was Null Routed proper DDOS migration hardware has been installed to stop further attacks. So in the end im somewhat happy that it was only a small attack to bring this to my attention so that it could be fixed. Tom, fattwam
Hey, I have a problem now when trying to free up space on my jtag, I connect my HDD to my computer and just use Xport360 to access the files but when i deleted something using Xport360 it says the file is gone but does not free up any space on my HDD. So now i have no free space on my HDD and i cant do anything about it. It says the games isnt there on Xport or going into look though an XeX Loader. Im really stuck here. In Xport if i go to view deleted files i can see what i have deleted but cant restore or delete again. So my question is why when i deleted games using Xport do they delete but not free up any space... Iv even noticed my XeX loading starting to freeze, i can still load up my emulators and such but not my XeX loaders for some reason... starting to get irritated.
Oh, i wasn't directing anything at you or people who use it, i totally understand why people use ad blockers but from the webmaster point of view that's our income.