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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Well, MF2 is just like ODST. A Add on, new maps with some more features and upgrades to the engine... So what if Forge is limited, atleast Halo has a Forge, MF2 you have to play as IF chooses... okay, but the community is always right and has the best imagination.
  2. Tis better than not buying it though.
  3. I am buying it as well... So... Just because I'm using it on my kit and I'm also buying it balancing it out.
  4. I'm not looking at it, and I did buy ODST. Decatur is burning it, that's bad. Proof: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/1078/odstpre.png
  5. Amazing.
  6. Oh look. "Removed By Decatur" Showing he is against Spoilers. So Jake, which side you on?
  7. Idc about my way, you should know that Eazy...
  8. Proving a point. The rule has been declined, ah well. I don't care. But Decatur has been a dick recently. I'm getting at him. Not you guys. Good Day. x
  9. Well since thats not a rule. We don't have to follow it. All hale the ruining it for many people. Thanks Decatur ^.^ .
  10. ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ ââ¢Â¥ Dakotena (17:02:45): fine Dakotena (17:02:52): ima psot all the spoilers from ODST on the forums Dakotena (17:03:01): ruin it for many people Dakotena (17:03:07): then you can see how it sucks Removed. ââ¢Â¥ Decatur.
  11. Will do, also ima show Decatur something here. Also I was joking. hehe. xx
  12. Why don't people read the first post? o.O
  13. No, they shouldn't. And he didn't. I was joking when I said he always does.
  14. A Mod shouldn't jsut close it unless it's flame. Let the member have like 2-3 hours to reply to it first. It's unfair otherwise. Decatur...
  15. Just looks, ugg. ODST is the shit. End of.
  16. Personally it was funny, just because I know how that girl acts and it's just like kiwi .
  17. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15677-attention-new-temporary-rule/
  18. Duh, all games doo.
  19. I thought you can rename it from .zip to .rar. I don't know for sure though.
  20. Decatur always approves my rules. Also it's unfair on the members (I don't wana see the ending). I'm sure alot of members don't either.
  21. Chick at my school, who status was. "you can still call me kiwi"
  22. Okay so, Halo 3: ODST has been Leaked. Since iBotModz is against Piracy, and we support Bungie. Therefore we don't want anything posted here that is more that Bungie hasn't shown yet, to be spoiler free and fun for gamers when they sign onto Xbox Live when ODST come out. Anyone with a Developers Kit go here: http://rework3d.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=863430 If you see any posts with anything; spoilers, gameplay, achievements, ect... Report it . Good Day.
  23. I guess if u don't know her, it ain't funny.
  24. hehe.
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