Thats fucking bullshit. I believe you, but 3000 friends? I don't want to look through 3000 friends looking for 1 gamertag, jesus fucking Christ. That idea is stupid, 150-300 friends. Okay, thats acceptable. But 3000? That really is retarded. I don't think that anyone on xbox wants 3000 friends, and if you play xbox enough to play with all 3000 friends i doubt that you would even have 3000 friends ever in your life...
Yeah, sorry. I was looking for unicode or ASCII. it's in hexadecimal. And no, that Hash Block Calc is Supermoders work. I don't have permission to use his rehashing method.
Reordered. Oh shit this will be sweeeettttt. Exactly, but were always playing Halo anyway , so it's chill. EDIT: If anyone burns this game, I will kill you. Bungie did such a good job, they deserve the money from you buying the game.
I have an app i'm making. At the moment it writes the length of the txt box, but of any string that is longer and you make it shorter, it shows the last bit of the string. Example: I want it to say Modded by Dakote, and as default is says "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE". As you can see, it mas my string + the original one added on the end. Can anyone help me? Thanks.