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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Oh shit guys, the post is titled "iBotModz - Post Generator", not "All flame Slip and Blame him for shit" or "Lets Flame". Get the fuck on topic guys.
  2. test test
  3. Ahhh, thats annoying.
  4. iBotModz - Post Generator Made By: Dakote http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/uploaded/Post%20Gen%20logo.png Version Number: 1.0 OS's Tested On: Vista, Windows 7, XP Features: Post Generator Auto Login Simple GUI Bugs Login Issue, Just make a new Post and it will work Pictures: Halo 3 Programs http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/uploaded/H3Program.png Halo 2 Programs http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/uploaded/H2Program.png Halo 3 Mods http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/uploaded/H3Usermap.png Halo 2 Mods http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/uploaded/H2Mods.png Download Click Here! This post was Generated with the iBotModz post Generator, by Dakote
  5. No, it doesn't for me. i have uploaded 2 films, 2 albums and 5 apps, all of them came out as .rar.
  6. Updated, Exception Catcher working 100%, fixed DSS's error. >_> Source removed, since the back-end was updated, and no longer works.
  7. Yeah, but the look is even more priceless when she is pregnant, trust me.
  8. Yeah, i don't do Endian for VB, anyway for something this easy, BR/BW is good enough. Lmfao, yungbol +reps me, some random fag -reps me. hahaha. Halodude i bet. Funny story, when we were "friends" he would always get jealous that i could program and he couldn't, says 1 of his friends i still talk to. So that is a lol.
  9. ahhahahahaha. I got this idea from a friend, Eazy, LEo, or Detox. I can't remember. I went my pregnant ex gf into a superstore. She was 9 months Pregnant, we went to the counter with a metal coat hanger and a pregnancy Tester. The look we got was so priceless. For anyone that doesn't get it a 9 month pregnnat woman getting a tester to see if shes pregnant. And a metal coat hanger was a old for of abortion.
  10. Peaches you know iBotFiles.com loops after 5MB. You have to edit the php.ini file to allow http uploads over 5MB. Example: http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/
  11. http://www.epicfail.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/autograph-fail.jpg
  12. He's on MSN alot.
  13. Or ask me, lmfao. I did code in VB for along time. Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Public Class Form1 Public fileName Private Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog If ofd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then fileName = ofd.FileName Dim fs As New FileStream(ofd.FileName, FileMode.Open) Dim br As New BinaryReader(fs) Dim length As Long = fs.Length br.BaseStream.Position = &H666 'HeX Offset Dim EP As Byte() = br.ReadBytes(666) 'lengh of EP allowed txtEP.Text = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(EP) End If End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) bw.BaseStream.Position = &H666 'EP Offset Dim EP As Byte() = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(txtEP.Text) bw.Write(EP) End Sub End Class Source Download: http://ibotmodz.rogue-mods.com/upload/uploaded/example.rar
  14. i LOL'ed at that...
  15. Thanks so much babe
  16. I guessed, still not good... http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9830/bner.png
  17. I have BT (British Telecommunications). Never had any problems, great 8mb speed, 1 problem with the wireless, they just sent us a new HomeHub (Router).
  18. Someone can't take a joke...
  19. Lies. You want it for a map you made, you would need it if like your life depended on it or something.
  20. Do you "need" or "want"?
  21. Owner: 4 Sub Admin: 7 Global Mods: 9 GFX Team: 10 Retired: 12 VIP: 8 Donor: 15 Members: 3 Validating: 1 Bots: 11 Banned: 5 Guests: 2
  22. Guys, i need a php upload script, thats simple to use/install. It can upload any file size, i can manage extensions (some sort of .ini). And when uploaded it shows a link to the file. Thanks.
  23. Extracting is what wx360 does. Extract the 360 files from the ISO. Decompressing is extracting the files inside it i belive.
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