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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. o.O wow, this spread fast. lmfao.
  2. yeah.... -.-
  3. I haz one of them, 250gb hdd's i mean,
  4. You think $25 is a waste for something that is worth it? Your parents spent over $250,000 raising you so far, now thats what i call a waste.
  5. Totaly agree, but since CodeVeil is the best, and the decompiler is the rarest than the rest, it's your bets bet.
  6. Simple. You have a demon in your house. Paranormal Activity. I'm so sorry, your going to die.
  7. You know very little of the language, i know little myself, there is so much... Also, use your brain, think of a good app to make.
  8. Are you Retarded?
  9. If you knew who that was, you wouldn't say that. Also, DSS = DarkSlipstream and he recognised the layout of the app to his own stuff.
  10. Your reading skills are quite astoundingly amazing, since i read the first post and got "Mod by DarkShallFall", typo maybe?
  11. But i gave you most of the source code for the apps in this with offsets, length, type ect. In, Thanks to DSS. :/
  12. Thats What She Said
  13. This ain't funny, this ain't a joke. Shut it.
  14. I forgot did u end up coding this in C# or VB?
  15. Screenshots, CONFinder, Rehasher, Resigner, LIVE is Slipstreams Source code. Thats almost all the features. :/ And the Film editor was made by, Dakote, daKHAOSkiller and Slipstream Helped alot... :/
  16. Narr, i jsut wanted to know why. It's coolio.
  17. :/ I gave help, and no credit... Seems a tiny bit rude tbh. EDIT: Profle tool, that shouldn't be in this, if people want it get it from the guy that coded it.
  18. He does, idk what happened it jsut kept comming out!!! It wouldn't stop, now i got prunes :{
  19. Built in, optimised my MS. And you can choose to run apps in it, sorta like a amazing Compatability engine.
  20. Rogue Modder


  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYWH2euVjGM&feature=player_profilepage It isn't a theme
  22. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8290/winxpmode.png Epics.
  23. Rogue Modder


    I love how everyone uses the post gen. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/Lobby-f126/General-Discussion-f6/iBotModz-Post-Generator-t16063.html
  24. First few images have fucked up. But i saw it before, good tutorial.
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