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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Sup Bro! HA! It's funny because im not a nigger. On a Related Note; ye.
  2. Nah, Halomods died, so I came back... sorta.
  4. haha! Meh, she was easy bro. But yeah, Roxy is much nicer & cooler
  5. LMFAO! Nah, she was a total ***** . This is a really nice, caring girl . ----- Yeah, I'm still gonna do coding, and might make something else for the Xbox. But that depends on both; How much spare time I have and how much I can see my gf. As I live at school, it's sorta hard not to have free time, but SOOOO MUCH TO STUDY! D:
  6. Nah mate, im at school till the 23rd of Jan. Talk then tho mate.
  7. Quotes from BlueShadowz so it will be partially wrong;
  8. I have a iPhone 3G, with my new headfones, it sounds so fucking good.
  9. Or open modio, click Load from Device, edit, Save to device. Done.
  10. Even if not, that's fucking retarded. It's a fucking number next to your name on a computer game. >.<
  11. Jealous of Gabe and Cheaters skill I think. And Horizon is better and any other crap out there, everything in it works without any bugs or rish getting caught using it. Everything else can be discovered by Microsoft. Idiot.
  12. I dun get it.
  13. Untill you want to play a game or run a program.
  14. Yes we know gruntmods, i mean we saw Halo Reach's Ingame Cinematic. and holy fuck it was good. These must have been old as hell. Also im sure this game sill support a **** load of poly's compared to the -Blam!- engine's shitt amount supported. + Music is win.
  15. i got; A $450 jacket My Mums Nikon Camera (Pic Related) New Sexy Speakers The bass is like. BOOM The ery frist Pink Pantha on DVD 24-Pack of Magners Irish Cider (ye zala ) My laptop back from the shop after getting it's hDD replaced. Not really christmas, but i was happy
  16. I have been told these are real. Just from early development in late 07 / early 08. Just speculation and word of mouth. And newfags, pleas stop the fapping.
  17. oldfag is old.
  18. so gangsta Dee. Pic Related; http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/4994/1261731203941.jpg
  19. urm... no. + using x360.dll isn't skill, it's using someone else's source and adding a GUI. >.> At least Horizon and Supermodder Research shit themselves...
  20. I'm Scrooge. cunt.
  21. u be gay.
  22. Merry Fucking Christmas you fucking Cunts. Want a present? How about a new fucking pic. Your Welcome. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs163.snc3/19049_1316777597457_1171236368_964045_6400265_n.jpg
  23. Last time I checked, there is a difference from Easter Eggs and General Paranoia.
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