If you got some good friends, that you can talk to and have fun with while you do it. It stops being a chore, and becomes a social game . I have done it like 2-3 times. Same with Deja Vu'.
You could, there is always a chance. I'm not banned, but it doesn't say you won't be. But after you finish modding it, sign in on the normal account (non modded), so it resets all server side info on the account.
Private Function RandomString(ByVal size As Integer) As String
Dim builder As New StringBuilder()
Dim random As New Random()
Dim ch As Char
Dim num As Integer = 0
Dim cm As String
Dim N1 As Char = (Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(73)))
Dim N2 As Char = (Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(79)))
Dim N3 As Char = (Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(111)))
Dim N4 As Char = (Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(105)))
' This handles the randomizing of Letters and Numbers
' * Only 2-9 are used
' * All Letters except O,o, I, i
For i As Integer = 0 To size - 1
Dim r1 As New Random()
Dim r2 As Integer = r1.[Next](1, 3)
If test = 0 Then
'This makes sure the first one is a letter
r2 = 2
End If
Select Case r2
Case 1
'Gen the Number
'Make sure more than 2 numbers never happen
If num = 2 Then
num = 0
goto case 2
End If
Dim r3 As New Random()
Thread.Sleep(r1.[Next](1, 5))
num += 1
'Make sure only numbers used twice
cm = (Convert.ToString(r3.[Next](2, 9)))
r2 = 2
Exit Select
Case 2
'Gen the Character
test = 1
ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)))
If (ch = N1) Or (ch = N2) Or (ch = N3) Or (ch = N4) Then
GoTo check4
Exit Select
End If
End Select
'Return the string
Return builder.ToString().ToUpper()
End Function Declare with: codeString = RandomString(25)
You sir, are an idiot. Just because you haven't been banned, doesn't mean you won't. I personally know 7 people that have been banned. and 3 more locally. You will get banned it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
If you live in france, you are fine. 1 show muddled up the release dates. Rest of the world, you will get banned. Perma Console and Account. If not yet, just wait.
It's piracy, of course. But as far as It goes, I believe it's better to atleasy get the game whn you can to help the company out. Rather than just get it for free and never give them the money for the game.