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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. bad flow, monotone, bad text... I've seen way better with GIMP
  2. Curtis

    iPod Help.

    Here's my thread: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/1982_yet_another_ipod_manager/page__p__7470__hl__yamipod__fromsearch__1#entry7470 Yamipod is an amazing program that you should use instead of itunes. It's faster, lets you take music off, and put it on. Even fixes iPods i think lol. Pm me if you need help with the program. If you need itunes working, i suggest re-install.
  3. lol i was like WTF, it had one of those stupid generic web search index,
  4. If you finish the JTAG one, I'll buy it.
  5. Cool, it's nice to see frequent updates.
  6. KAY WTF IS THAT JTagged? How the **** do i get one
  7. Because halo 3 and halo 3 odst were not modable, im guessing they're not gonna make this game modable. Common sense really, they'll just use the same system, or a even better one.
  8. imo reach isn't gonna be great, or modable. so bye bye ibotmodz i guess
  9. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/14170_cya_guys/page__p__91271__fromsearch__1#entry91271 so whats that?
  10. No lol i remember you were all like, "im getting moding help, im so GURU, ibm isn't." Then u came back.
  11. Mod one yourself guy, its simple.
  12. x Miasma Vanadium Astatine ?
  13. ur second time leaving?
  14. I'm pretty sure this guy is legit by the way, helped me a lot with my xbox, over aim.
  15. Curtis

    halo map packs

    Umm... Flashed 360, (not banned). Take killtrocity burn it with halo 2 .xbe, can't totally remember all of this stuff. Ill give D1CEx14 a shout
  16. Curtis


    Lol you sound legit, but i don't let anyone touch my stuff. I'm pretty picky. Thats why my cars only been in a mechanic shop for tire changes. Curious as to what you do, think you could drop me a pm?
  17. Curtis


    Tough guy here, you don't think i did my research? Fyi- http://xbox-experts.com/tutorial/team-hybrids-ultimate-xclamp-fix-released/ Poor cooling design, and bad chassis. Ms should of had fan underneath and mount heatsinks right I was hoping for someone with similar experience, and wanting to see what they did. Wasn't insulting, just a lil frustrated because i've dumped years into this site, and whenever i need help no one has an answer for me.
  18. Curtis

    halo map packs

    what? of course you could run killtrocity on 360. I've done it, just take the original halo 2 .xbe?
  19. Curtis


    Too late bra, its passed three years, and i've got the penny's sitting on ram chips. I was hoping for someone with knowledge of this mess, or someone who could give me information.
  20. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa see it.
  21. Curtis


    sigh... this xbox does move a lot, so it needs to be cased. Now its stopped working with the casing off too.
  22. Curtis


    my bad, its three red rings obviously tho, or i wouldn't put heatsinks on the ram chips lol.
  23. Curtis


    poor big help you guys have been, and im not ****** retarded. The warranty was all up, and considering i've modified the disk drive already there wouldn't be much chance. And the ******* Chassis of the 360 casing was designed so poorly that naturally the xbox motherboard would bend and warp. But i guess i'll bring my topic to a site where people can give me an answer lol, or at least help me in someway.
  24. Curtis


    Yaaaa so i got rrod, watching a movie with my girlfriend. I was like OMGZ! cuz the version i got "doesnt get rrod" but ya it did. So i did the penny trick, then its all like unplug fan and let melt. Then xbox worked with no casing on, put casing on and RROD again. I didnt put the x bolts in. So what should i do, cause i need to put the case on eventually, i even made the scews realllly lose when i put the case on.
  25. that is sad, from what i could read about it. next time better grammar plzzzxzx..
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