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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Its not a point of what site it is. In my opinion. I don't see why Melo hates me so @#%$in much. I may be very opinionated but i have backing and its for a reason. I think you should remove us from halo top 200. Unless were actually getting hits from it. Which i think we are... I dunno man.
  2. Easy bro... I was more or less adding to smokies post... Guess thats way too hard to see. I remember when you told me to change my tampon... Your turn. How isn't it an ass thing to do? Huh? How? Just like try to play halo online... Then you get booted... Just chill.
  3. Oh yeah because im so upset... It's a question bud. Smokie wants to know too.
  4. Yeah like seriously... People do pay for their domains... Here you go being an ass an whipping them off.
  5. Do you mind using torrents? Cause Demonoid has everything.
  6. 3 people? "some" people to actually respond? What do you mean? And yeah don't worry theres no time frame. I'm just curious to who it is.
  7. Statistics Total posts 16295 âââ¬Ã¢ Total topics 3164 âââ¬Ã¢ Total members 2004 âââ¬Ã¢ Our newest member xitz your fearx Who's the new mod. I looked at the team and saw no one new.
  8. I think i care about my cars health more than mine.
  9. Looks like a pretty big engine. v8?
  10. Ah man that sucks. My car is a 90. I'd knock the guys lights out if that happend to me.
  11. Old gamertag- DEATHGR1P x17x New- DeathGrip x17x My old name was SDG Grenade.
  12. Sorry if this doesn't help.
  13. They made stupid mistakes with the story. They tell you what happened, they don't show you. It disconnects you from the character. You are Niko while you play the game, you should feel like you are him as much as possible. I'm saying maybe one man pitted against a drug dealer and fourty armed guards is slightly ridiculous. It could be possible to pick him off with a sniper and haul ass out of there, or maybe just less guards. Maybe you could have your own small army of guys. It's incredibly boring creeping around every corner as slow as possible making sure one guy doesn't jump out from behind something and you have to do the whole mission over again. Another rookie mistake, there shouldn't be ways to die you couldn't have known were there untill you die from it. That's just boring. Right, nothing was how you expected it. So you go on a murderous rampage of a quest to fix that, and then the game ends, your revenge got you nothing, your down a girlfriend, you don't have a mansion or alot of money (in the story anyways), so you're back where you started. Good thing Niko killed those 700 people or he might still be living in an apartment and his cousin still would be poor. Oh, it's not real life. Thanks for the pro tip. The fact is that vice city and san andreas were both way more fun then this game. This game is a step backwards in the series, it should have MORE to do, not less. There is space left on the disk and making a few buyable houses wouldn't be hard or take up much disk room. They already have strip joints, fast food restaurants, gun stores and more they could have made buyable, make the cooks and clerks and stuff refer to you as boss one way or another, an occasional revenue to pick up and a back room with stuff in it or something. Imagine how much more fun the game would be with that stuff. I haven't even played the game since I beat it. The same couldn't be said for san andreas, vice city, and probably GTA 3 aswell (I haven't played GTA 3). Even if space was so constricted they couldn't fit a mansion on it, I would be fine with toned down graphics for an upgrade in gameplay. I can't see anyone disagreeing with that. Don't tell me what to think... or to post. I belive i fill my post count just fine. Just remember its a game friend. And i like this game alot more than Vice city and San. This game has some realism. I respect you for putting up a good fight. And if your going to ban me for making my point Fattwam... Then thats your choice but i don't agree. I think that would be pretty low if you gave us warning... Who are we hurting?
  14. You listen to me!
  15. I actually am against modding halo 3 at the moment. Its already turned the game into a mess.
  16. Nope he's picked already.
  17. Think you could snap a photo?
  18. Thanks man it actually works. I'm keeping this one top secret from my friends.
  19. Curtis

    lol wtf

  20. Wow smokie. Great post. Too bad not alot of people mod halo 2 anymore. Its lots of fun.
  21. Have you even played the game? The campaign was a waste of time, I didnt feel fulfilled at all. There was no end game, save for some side missions for yet more useless money. After all your killing Niko's just like "I'm done now" and the game ends. The missions were completely unimaginative and unreasonable. The best hitman in the world would consider himself lucky to have survived any of the missions in the later part of the game, and you're still just an errand boy. Your only goals in the game are the american dream and confronting the guy who killed all your friends, and even when that happens it's retarted and disapointing. Nothing you set out to do gets done and then the game ends. I gave it 7.5 because driving is fun, multiplayer is fun, and shooting is more refined. That doesn't earn it 10/10. A game that earns 10/10 doesn't make you want 30 hours of your life back. They took out some of the things that made the series great for completely no reason. It feels like they had to really rush a deadline, cut the story off short, skipped the endgame stuff completely and released the game. Way to fill your post count. Okay b**** watch it. I was making my point about opinions... KIND OF LIKE REAL LIFE. What else should i say? Mr. Allmighty. I love the game. I think the story is amazing. Alot better than the others. I think your missing the point... It is a game... NOT A $%#^%# SIM. The best hitman would never survive... I know that. Think that him dying after a few missions would be fun?? Oh yes... IM a hitman... Game over. THink about it... "Nthing you set out to do gets done and then the game ends." Oh? Kind of like how he didn't expect america to be what it was... "That doesn't earn it 10/10. A game that earns 10/10 doesn't make you want 30 hours of your life back. They took out some of the things that made the series great for completely no reason. It feels like they had to really rush a deadline, cut the story off short, skipped the endgame stuff completely and released the game." What do you expect? Real life? This is a game remember that. The game is very large... Its not like they could fit much else on it... We are limited with the amount of space we have. And alot of game sites gave it a 10/10 because its perfect for what we have right now. You can only go so far with a dual layer disk. Dont tell me how to fill my post count... Most people know i hate post count. I do not respect someone for their post count. Don't try and tell me what to do... please. I don't stand for that.... That's why you got called a b****. So anything else you want to add to this? I love to argue. Please keep it up. Seriously. Bye.
  22. Curtis

    GTA 4 Cheats

    I agree with smokie. I don't like to cheat until i finish the game... Might be a while. Its a great game.
  23. Curtis


    Oh wow! ME HAPPY -)
  24. I can teach you.
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