Acting like this does not help the situation, your actions are also no better than his. He is allowed to have his input (No matter how stupid they my seem). Yeah i know what you mean man... But have you seen the spamm he's been posting recently? What do you suggest?
Fu*ck kid stop it. Wow you are a spamer. And yeah that site is amazing. I've learned lots from it. I don't see how they got so many members... Thats intense.
REALLY? thats a great idea!! LMAO And where the ##$% does it say that at? its not in this thread. lol. its a joke, peaches didn't say that. Hahahahaha. Whoa guys. Chill... Any one have tuts? And this site is such a joke for gfx. You have to admit.
ok forgive me for saying this but i dont get why everything needs to be blurd or blend in. i put it that way so it stands out, is readable and doesnt hurt your eyes because is blurry. like when you go buy a new tv you dont go for the blury one because everything looks like it blends. ya go for the one with the sharper picture. so why is it so bad that something stands out, is simple and easy to see? dont take it like im mad at you melo, or anyone. i just dont get it and it kinda ticks me off that when i try and do something new it sucks because i didnt use all of the filter effects i could, didnt blur everything, or used more then one brush. again this isnt an attack against any one so please dont take it like it is, if you do im sorry. Its a thing that will come with time. I felt the same way. Depth is what makes the photo feel real. Look at your hand. What's behind it? Just something to consider... Do they look the same? Whats sharper? your hand? or whats beyond it?
This is a tag made by D1CEx14 and I. Hence the name Probably my best. Not his best though haha. Be honest with ratings.
Great updates. The Vip medal seems obvoius. Just like the post medal. Overall great job. Need any help with anything? And how exactly do i get the Entertainment medal? By posting entertainment?
I still don't like cheating. I haven't cheated yet and don't plant too. Makes the game seem unreal... or such. Once you've cheated it seems to ruin the game. Thanks for the post though. I don't have to go through a pop up kingdom to get cheats now.