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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. omg.... thats crazy and the detail! holly crap the people in the building amazing! great find! i loved the music for it -Legacy
  2. stop spamming, and mine looks a bit more neating lol it doesnt matter its the off top section but yeah thats what i mean IBM's a reatarded like look how weird its laid out
  3. i think we need to make them darker or something there sometimes really bright for me -Legacy
  4. i know ibm's are laid out retardedly i need a new case
  5. mk pm me the PSD and once i am doen i will give the tutorials PSD to you and you can check it over and make sure its correct and what not -Legacy (why do i always add my name)
  6. V2 FTW its better better blended and i like the dark color more can i see your c4d's you used? and i love the concept great for your first LP ive never made a LP so i haft to try to make a LP and pen art -Legacy
  7. I didnt say he is never allowed in. True, he is active, and true, he is getting better But he needs to improve a little bit more in order to get in. If all of his sigs were like the GOW one, he would be in, that one was by far his best. If he took as mush time as he did on the gow one for everyone else, All his work would be amazing. true so subs TAKE MORE TIME ON YOUR SIGS but my pointof this post maybe not scratch out dice maybe justa dd him in to the team because dice just made a sig and IF he does make more he stays
  8. hollly crap!! i suck with the pen tool thats amazing and from scratch? simply plane out amazing! make tutorial please!! and we can post it on Teach GFX and like get more gfx gods lol but amazing MeLo i cant say it enough make more pen art!! i will try some pen art lol (its gonna suck) -Legacy
  9. well i will say yes for switching him for dice, and no effence dice for him replacing you he is making more work than you i am making a sig tonight I've been busy studying butt my next exam is Friday so doesn't matter but he is improving, i think he will get way better Melo. We need to give him time and plus he would be way better on the gfx team that DICE so i say yes. But MeLo is right you are still novice but I personally think you are gonna get better seeing how you are getting better but take more time on your sigs, you said yo took the most time on the GOW sig so how long did that take, most my sigs are longer than a hour a couple took like 30 mins but thats like 2 but how about we give you a week subs and if you make most of your sigs better or the same as the gow sig we let you in? And btw i love the style of the hulk sig, its a hard style to master but you should of made his hand pop out of the picture that would of looked sick! -Legacy
  10. If you take a video in theater i will will record it with my capture card for you =] i may try it though -Legacy
  11. bump. this is a awesome app you can make your psp a universal remote so youcan turn on and off tv's, vcr's, dvd player and more -Legacy
  12. i posted this earlier make sure you check topics before you post (dont worry ive done it a bunch of times in h2 modz)
  13. lawl? is that better? =]
  14. thanks, i got tired of the game so i just started loosing so it would end xD and i wasnt sure if it would count it because its happend to me a bunch of times so i will get a random score right now
  15. how is it photoshopped i played that game since 9 o clock this morning, then when i came back at 2 then at 5 til 6 so dont say i photoshopped it
  16. i know its dumb did you see the score i got though?
  17. peach can you make me have that win i worked all day lol (serious i started in the morning)
  18. new case ofr sure, maybe blue leads and what not and maybe even a clear case. WATER COOLED and alien ware that would be awesome
  19. it is already in use i didnt use it o.O (hahahha) owned lol thanks peach i needed one. so btw it would be qualified as spam if you say not working or its already in use -Legacy
  20. I posted a video tutorial earlie but its a really good tutorial i wish it was converted into a html web page though do you have your have your dvd drive firmware hacked? im gonna do mine soon once i get a new case for my computer ibm's are retarded
  21. Xx Legacy xX


    I dont think this cant be true because xsata is auchual hard ware they can't really ban it. Its kinda like they cant ban you for taking apart you hdd and transferring that way. its a rumor i think i dont have xsata i use a external hdd
  22. if you know how to mod halo 2 on the origanal xbox this should be easy for you do you know how to mod halo 2 on the origanal xbox because with the 360 its the same except you dont even haft to mod your xbox reply saying if you know to mod halo 2 on a origanal xbox.
  23. Damn subs gears of war sig is the best the hulk sig has a good style to i think your LP's look good but they are are simple i am proud of you buddy your improving Great job -Legacy
  24. Xx Legacy xX


    If you are wonder why i posted this suggestion in the off topic section it's because its been suggestion alot of times so i just reminding people. Let's Start Well you know how you haft to get 200 posts to get in VIP now, well thats just dumb why should it matter how many posts you have? Take Eli for example he has contributed to iBotModz so much and he doesn't have 200 posts, but he is in VIP. So i think we should have a "VIP Tryout" section, so you could tryout for vip and it doesn't matter if you have 75, 200, or even 500 posts only thing that matters is that you have not flamed anyone, you have helped iBotModz multiple times, you contributed to iBotModz, and more. You would say all the things you have done for iBotModz, Eg. You helped johnny on how to mod a origanal xbox and you posted this topic in the halo 3 section that was really useful. So to some it up i think this would reduce spam and members that deserve vip would get it and who have vip and didnt really deserve it would not get it.
  25. i say the first one it just looks more tidier and it blends more than the second one do you need help getting PS, if you do just pm me. you should be able do get a good torrent from iso hunt
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