viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3805 yeah i ment this and your really active i think you would make a good helper thing because your really active in the halo section and thats where most the spamming goes on -Legacy
i remember that used to be the video of the week on the old site i hate crazy frog. it annoys me its creative though (the video i mean not the song) -Legacy
well its a good sign that we have spammers. good job mfone we are back up and i think elis idea for sub mods or helpers as you will would help greatly!
HAHA yeah right. Me and Melo are destroying you lol lol we'll see you never know *i am not going to make 7 account and vote for my self* lol dont worry i am not, we need more gfx people on this site. anarchy he was my friend, most didnt like him though, lol -Legacy
awesome smokie!! i loved it its so creative! lol so you made it for your school progect or something? if your teacher gave you a bad mark a may haft to come to Australian and drop kick him in the back of the head. Best video ever, commenting it on youtube make more -Legacy
i may make one in photoshop when i get back and is it legal? lol i should go to fattys house and put them all over his house I KNOW WHERE U LIVE lol it will only take me like an hour to get there and will go to Toronto after
Then Why Did Se7insins get in trouble for having your list of modded maps?? because mfone made the list look at the copyright symbol at the bottom and you wonder why s7 got in trouble -Legacy
Theres a remote chainsaw glitch so you chainsaw someone but they dont auchully die but when you switch to youer lacner they randomly get chainsawed but they also die if you did so if everyone does it to everyone on guy dies they all die lol ive did to a hole team once
lol everytime i look at your avy it cheers me up melo and you know me and smokies sig is gonna when, geeeeez look how many votes we have. its for sure that we are going to win!
i'll make you one for free if you just give me a spare email i cant make them anymore lol i can make you like 10 one months i can make as many one months as i want i just need an email and password i will do the rest deal?
none, they wont sound good at all for a ring tone you want one thats gonna start off a steady beat or fast beat but still soft then it goes up lmao
lol why do so many people not have it then deathgrip i think we need a award for being iBotPeaches (lol suck up comment) i had to ima gonna go to bed now mk giez i am like rely tired night night dont let the bed bugs bite xD -Legacy
NOTE: Don't make fun of someone because of there belief, and no putting down some other religions I'll start well i am a mix, i am united, i believe in god but not Adam and Eve and a bunch of that stuff i believe in evoulotion but i still believe in god. So i think i am a mix btw i dont really go to church, i used to but i dont think god is just in a church is everywhere some things are way to strict think out of the box i think make your own religion up mine i just have good creatiing a bunch of s***, then it just evoultionized apes to human btw i kinda beleive in big bang but i dont know where i can fit it in but for some reason i believe in god -Legacy
i am fine with gay people ive known people my whole life and they turned out gay i have les (so it wont give a *) friends it doesnt matter and if you are againts gay people why? about half the gay people out there probably dont even have buthole sex