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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. Your IPs are banned which means you were probably doing something suspicious while the site was being hacked. Legacy got his IP banned because he FTPed to the site while it was being hacked. There were 6 other people conected when he was conected, were either of you one of them? I don't have access to the ban panel any more for some reason, so your IPs are banned untill we get an admin (Peaches is only one at the moment and he has gone away for a while). I asked site5 to ban users, who DOS us. I'm sorry you got banned. Every 24 hours the ban filters "retest" your connection, so you should be allowed on then. k good, lol i hate using proxy's they are so slow for me but i wish i could of traced the ip's when we were getting hacked -Legacy
  2. YAy only problem is taht i am ip banned i am on a proxy
  3. lol bump
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7CL01u9nk8 its true he is
  5. mk i will YAYYAYAY rofl ELMOS A PIMP! (you will see why i said that soon)
  6. maybe wait for an hour or so but i think it may have something to do with the permissions for the forum so maybe when you make the forum when it says permissions or who can see it make it everyone. other than that idk, i hope this helps -Legacy
  7. rofl its ok hey it got us some google hits though -Legacy
  8. Xx Legacy xX


    lol the best rick roll thing its so creepy! http://youtube.com/watch?v=zx3ec7JVN7E [youtube:2q0gyb2j]zx3ec7JVN7E[/youtube:2q0gyb2j]
  9. lol anal much jkjk its just this is so little i think i am gonna move it too off topic i like your avatar though its funny. EDIT: Wait i dont have the permission to
  10. yeah i like that idea, would the halo 3 section have that also? and maybe have a consoles section so you would have a 360 sectiion a xbox section a Playsation section etc i like it though. -Legacy
  11. I havnt congratz you yet? wtf is wrong wit meh??? WELCOME TO TEH TEAM b****!!! lol do you play gow? but good job -Legacy
  12. well its a little big for a section that doesnt get much attension so maybe form the glitching section in the misc and programs and tutorials in the same section just with subs section like the mod section it will shorten it up.
  13. rofl and you recked mah home
  14. I try too, but GFX is at the bottom and i just don't go there NO VIP IZ!!! Go to GFX BUACCHHCHHCHHZZZ
  15. i like the 3D look to this, next time try to make something with a point so maybe liek a fish and water AND A COW that would be awesome but i would SUPERRRZ of your sig if you liek had an awesome point like that SPACE COWZZ -Legacy
  16. no it just came out in theaters less than a week ago, whats your email? -Legacy
  17. oh he just secretly hated him kinda thing, and other thing which i will let you see the movie for -Legacy
  18. lol you are own of the only members that do xD
  19. well i know i must be getting a little annoying but this is one of many ways which is very simple to contribute to ibotmodz. to get more views i need some people just to subscribe, my goal is to add a video every once every 2 days (or more) on youtube which will get iBotModz more members so i just need some people to comment on my videos http://youtube.com/user/crazedADDICTION my newest videos: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ISXySplBA70 http://youtube.com/watch?v=L-gPP8WtyiA and if you really want help, open these links and leave it up for the night but do not do this if you have a slow computer. http://ts.wmclan.net:73/viewtube.php?url=ISXySplBA70 http://ts.wmclan.net:73/viewtube.php?url=L-gPP8WtyiA http://ts.wmclan.net:73/viewtube.php?url=_ytSAzB5A_U http://ts.wmclan.net:73/viewtube.php?url=puUAvx-hJCQ -Legacy, thanks for listening
  20. viewtopic.php?f=77&p=29983#p29983 i posted it in the media section but no one looks there http://youtube.com/watch?v=ISXySplBA70 -Legacy
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISXySplBA70 comment and subscribe thank you the reason i am not embedding it because i never get comment thanks -Legacy
  22. little bit to sharpend but i like it great job *ITS MY FIRST GIFT!!! YAYAYAAY* i think (not sure if i got one before i forget) 12489072385682734657634756 outa 10 i love the feelin of getting a sig gift -Legacy
  23. IP matches confirms that. yeah it was i shoulda used a proxy i thought fattwam needed a welcome back xD -Legacy
  24. Fattwam is pro isnt he
  25. lmao. if you cant see the image just right click then click view image
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