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xX Epsilon Xx

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Everything posted by xX Epsilon Xx

  1. gah! Now it's just a halo 3 poster
  2. Peaches Im on Redeem now So I will let you know ( Iw ill put out account for DL to evryone!)
  3. This is order so far! [RJBJW-X-X-6PMBQ-X] The other code: [D3BM8-4FPP6-X-X-X] Will Update more
  4. Combos = Number * Numbers = 36 comboss, lol not 10000
  5. See what I mean (Mostly VIP!) Blocked V3NOM!
  6. Thank you vey much!
  7. I doubt it's Mythic (this is under modding) rogue has a dev but he isnt going to cheat his way, he will have you buy & extract himself. Also I though it stood for Match-Made-Phaggots (MLG "pros") xD
  8. Bungie sends you that link when you win (Also with code) and you enter code in REDDEM NOW, then you click confirm and it then it wont say invalid reigon! (but it was announced on bungie you can use a 2-day code, dunno if its true, try it)
  9. Yeah sorry I kinda broke out in the C-BOX yesterday sorry about that, xD If you want (ANYONE) add me on AIM (meleelite) So I can talk in Anti-Spam/flame manner
  10. Thank you guys! I might still leave but I am on the verge (Can I block Eazy anyway?)
  11. have fun! hey eazy! You always have to be last eh? Come on Peaches BAN me, I knwo you want to, This sites Against em! LOL So why not SpAm!, EH I $%#^%# hate EAZY! Good-Bye! Eazy Know how to crack a noob! Goodbye fellow modder friendas! http://inventorspot.com/files/images/1559606_340_1116081430036-spam.jpg Good bye DarkieMcSlippe! 'll miss the good people!, Easy one more falme, and the SDK will be worldwide WITH RAPIDSHAR E AND MEGAUPLOAD LINKS EVERYWHERE so shut up you AASS HAT! EAZY REFER TO THIS : MEMBER HERRASMENT!
  12. Real Time Halo and a Meta editor for release on behalf of shades retirement! Construct - Open Source Map Editor by shade45 » February 23rd, 2009, 10:04 pm Construct I am releasing the source code to my Halo 3 modding application because I am leaving the modding scene. Since I joined this site I have learned so much and made a lot friends and some enemy's I would like to thank everyone who made this site such a great place to be over the years. Feel free to use this source however u want, copy it into your own application, add your own code, do whatever its all yours. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8513/capturez.jpg Features: Loads any Halo 3 map file Tag Filtering (Makes searching for a specific tag a lot easier) Meta Editor RTH (Run Time Halo) Support - Debug Xbox Required Remote RTH - Debug Xbox Required Library Support Themed GUI Library's Included: Address Calculator Map Patcher Model Resizer Unicode Editor Plug-in Converter The CS Plug-in System Anyone who used my previous application Engineer will be familiar with the CS plug-in system. In Construct CS plug-ins work basically the same way but with one major difference. Instead of using fields like the old system these use properties which allow for tags to be parsed quickly and loaded into a property grid with very little code. This also allowed me to "Tag" values in a plug-in with loads of useful information like display names, offset, descriptions, categories, ect. This plug-in system is not for the newbie plug-in maker please only try making changes to the plug-ins if you know what your doing! Acknowledgments Detox - Developer of RTH Anthony - Original Creator of the CS plug-in system Quick Kill - My main tester Download Source: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CY9CPNDF There are no files included with this source code that should not be there. If certain references are missing from the project they were left out on purpose. Please do not discuss these files or how to obtain them. [source: http://www.halomods.com/forums/viewtopic.p...16&p=844038]
  13. Oh, Portenet BETA (if you are him) you WILL remember working on this (small stuff sky& bimtaps)
  14. I dunno then, sorry but he was a good friend, he was. We would play halo ce with eacother for hours, and Iron_forge played before he got famous, are you that guy?
  15. you... yu are??! do you remeber Melee, you taught me YEARS ago how to plane model in 3ds max on Xfire?
  16. Anyone heard of "Gruntlord6"Just I wondering he was a good helpher for Halo CE doubt any of you know him, but just wondering! He is awesome!\ From ModdaCity http://www.modhalo.net/uploads/monthly_06_2008/msg-6461-1214206463_thumb.png http://www.modhalo.net/uploads/monthly_09_2008/msg-5676-1221522310_thumb.png Halo Mods! And his grunt pic, I loved for some reason! http://www.modhalo.net/uploads/av-6247.jpg To a long lost virtual buddy I wish to see again,
  17. "Corruption" already sounds like a bad attempt to remake DeToX's map, and so far everyone who has a dev is fail, except for halo dude, Because he does more than just gay swaps, plus you can even see the ground, gai. Make progress in map modding, make a spartan poop a grunt that will barf at marines and burn ther skin (xD jk, but do something else)
  18. 100frtrtz (pass ofr halo 3 xex)
  19. I say go for it! You'd be the only one on this site that can hassle with the true power of an XeDK, and code some games/apps/halo3crap, you deserve it
  20. Put the game disc in, open the disc so you see the files, copy them to a folder on your desktop, Make an ISO out of those files, Mount it with Daemon, there you go!
  21. No problem, above as you can see T3A did a perfect job of flmaing me
  23. Useful for qouting shoutbox members Maybe you can make a [userquote=T3A_guy]Hello![/userquote=12:44 PM] Real Code :
  24. Maybe if $%#^%# queerbagger didnt put this in the cbox then I wouldnt of have bumped, b****!
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