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xX Epsilon Xx

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Everything posted by xX Epsilon Xx

  1. Nice try, I knew about this a month before the maps came out (we stole a account that had mythic testing and did liscense transfer (Mythix)) And this was the first thing we saw, (we used XSATA) Noobs, no one beleived me when I said tht remeber, ask V3NOM he stole it, It had screenshots of that.
  2. And Itemcentral or "halo3" told me that DeToX invited him to his modding clan, een though he hates clans, and is like levels above everyone else odding eve for dev modders. lol NOOB!
  3. My friend FTF A0TS has a map with his name, made out of rockets that come out the floor (mod) on foundry, it was so cool, I'll try to find a pic, or make one myself. EDIT: Found pics http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/ftfaots1.jpg http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/ftfaots2.jpg
  4. xX Epsilon Xx


    I didn't even read the post, but judging by the name (Sony) I thought of PS3's and THEY SUCK!
  5. Well Dataanti this may not be the video, but I'm not downloading 1.3GB just to prove myself. I helped make this part (IF THIS IS IT, it says heretic) Cannot Be Displayed PS, this is not called "Calvary" it's called "Codex"
  6. Why are you making fun of my girlfriends like that, huh?
  7. SINCE THERE ARE NO PICS I WILL ASSUME! Is this the movie, where it's CG Halo, and like in space, with funky music, UNSC vs. Coveneant ships killing each other. If it is, I helped make this a couple years back, most help goes to "JTDOEPKE" and his mad Lightwave skills As me and others just did particles and effects. Also the of this movie in space is called "The Calvary" (Does it have that "Flutey" music?)
  8. Thank you, KD, and I got a ne gt, lol "Recon Enforcers"
  9. I have a question if we obtain H3;ODST's game title, can ou hex your profile over, another ID, and have the acheivments in your list, then hack them, and get recon?
  10. lol at xpargas, but nvm, I thought it'd be a dumb question...
  11. He has boobs...
  12. Is it possible I can get Hauppauge HD PVR for free? (I dont have 249.99$)
  13. How is this compatible on live, if they are grunts? What would the other person see?
  14. Stay on topic please, PPF postedhalo__sfrigmod.ppf
  15. I like DEE because he has recon model/bitmaps for 3DS! Yay! Your so 1337! lol
  16. 10x speed and rocket ASSAULT rifle, I was so close!
  17. No one said it had to be funny... (it's preferred, and you started it so your talking bad about yourself, lol
  18. Just me being "1337" (and annoyed) Entry: "ALL YOUR COMPUTER ARE BELONG TO EPSILON!" Date: (PIC)3/30/09 (Started; 1/13/09) Qoute: "I come on iBotModz, and apparently, control it!?! WTF!) __________________ http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/ALLURPCBELONGTOEPSILON.jpg __________________
  19. Will I people to make a 3 hour Flamin' Recon Film Mod with this? (Yes, I know it's new guyish! )
  20. Will I people to make a 3 hour Flamin' Recon Film Mod with this? (Yes, I know it's new guyish! )
  21. Well if it was on your P-net account, I'm pretty sure you can also beat it with all skuls, while running 10x as fast, and having full auto rocket shotguns, while being invulnerable, so this proves nothing, you could have done anything on dev. For all I know you could have made it so you get all points automatically, it's a dev, come on!
  22. It's photoshopped, the background of your name is lighter than green bar with score, and the scores have boxes and ****ed up lines behind it, but nice try. (x52, isnt possible without dev either) Legendary = x3, each skull= x2, and under 30 min is x3, so a total of 53... ok I guess that's legit but, I dunno, it's stil photoshopped
  23. Ok.... random, but ok, I guess ( Do you like private servers?)
  24. I totally DO NOT find the need for protest, make the site invite-only, then, AND INVITE USEFUL people, instead of this bullpoop (lets saying someone doesnt like cussing, you can't even say bullpo*op, it will also be just like bullshi*t , bull**** bull****) Down with this! PFROTCTMIALKS PFROTCTMIALKS PFROTCTMIALKS DO IT!!! PFROTCTMIALKS PFROTCTMIALKS PFROTCTMIALKS PFROTCTMIALKS
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