You know what kid? Ima put you up on a deal! If you give me 1600 MS Points, I will make a Campaign map, Youe Hear Dat!> CAMPAIGN MAP! with AI @$@%@ BOTS! Huh!? Wanna see mah true l337, yeh I can do dat!
Ensemble and Microsoft announced they took down HaloGen, AS a concept to bring back the original (Halo) which was RTS, and since they took the IDea of HaloGen, aswell shuting it down, Asylum (creators of Halogen) got like 3million dollars, for makeup (which i personally wouldnt agree, with HW making billions) and Halo Gen had all ame building, vehicles, and units, and UI! Look your self! Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed SHOWS CONCEPT OF BUILDING (BEAM FROM SKY WITH GLOWING SHIELD WHILE BUILDING!) Cannot Be Displayed (MAC'S in SPACE attacking CHINA!) AND MUCH MUCH MORE!
I have 999,999 (MAX) supplies in a gamesave, you can hex edit amount, I have 11,436, since it's specific I replaced all "11,436s" with "99,999s" and I got 99,999 suplies, after I went in game got a couple more , got around "110,500", hexxed it to 999,999, it worked in-game, I got a little more in the millions Yay!, but once I hexxed to "999,999,999", Halo Wars said it was corrupt
A complete copy of Live File Info, with a fancy GUI, and a right-click extension shell, and even like 75% of the app just gives credit and changes style, instead of the other 25% still kinda being useless
Get the @%#$ offf this site noob, you tried to flood me, after 2 hours of hard work getting your one puny IRC bot online, which did no damage whatso ever
Watch for (x86) which is (64-bit) because A lot of stuff is not compatible yet. You can buy a 32bit > 64bit file convertor (like DLLs) but software costs lke 15,000$, or you can do it vith lke VB or C++, C, C+, C# etc... I dunno maybe
Yeah well, I wanna know lol, Lewie if you want a dev you should find out what cubemaps are, if not you'd be considered a "noob" because you dont have all knowledge of halo modding, let alone a dev for modding, but I beleive it's a bitmap, in the shape of a cube for reflection for example, from Halo 1... Mirror (Visor) Reflection Armor
What exactly does a cube map do? I know it's used for like the visor of the spartan (ball-like reflection) mostly for reflections, but what else are they used for?
I dunno why, I was playing Crysis, and then I got bored so I went to IBM, and all of a sudden a box popped up saying "To use the shoutbox, you guys need to stop being ignorant fools!" Which was a retarded way tpo say I was banned, I wasn't even on IBM and I got banned, why?