Pretty neat but next time, make mor mature acheivments, or funnier, plus "WoW" is world of warcraft, "WaW" is World at War, lol nice though, PM tut, pl0x?
Pretty good but I wish we could make a real-time sapien, or making it so the boxxes are associated with coliision, not needing 2 seperate boxxes (scen, and Coll)
The account is gone, I have decided to let EazyB and V3NOM keep it, but they still threaten to hack me, so it's worth nothing anymore to me, because I'd rather have XBL then Mythic Maps, plus I will have them tomorrow so nom nom to Mr.V3NOM!
It wasn't me!!! When I cam to IBM here was a whole bunch of people saying "EPSILON HAZ UR COMPUTER" or something like that, and then JoeWalls kept spamming keep saying I gave you a trojan, but my MSN was hacked 1. I wasn't on ALL day, so whoever said that wasn't me, I guess I was hacked ( I changedmy pass) 2. Sorry JoeWalls, I SWEAR ON MY LIFE THAT WAS NOT ME!
RULES! FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!! We will let this account be recovered DL'd recovered DL'd over and over (IF ANYONE JACKS IT YOU WILL BE FLOODED!) 1. The mythics are 328 MB 2. You will have up to 30 Minutes in account use before next recovery 3. We will get all skull acvhievements 4. DO NOT GET OFF HALO 3 OR YOU WILL LOSE MAPS (temporarily) 5. NO SPAMMING OR FLAMING! or you will blocked/booted. 6. Have fun, use your time don't waste it! 7. Don't be perverted, or say "No U" 8. Golf clubs aren't for other players' heads! 9. STAY IN ONE PARTY OR THE MAPS WILL NOT BE LOADABLE, UNLESS WE ARE TOGETHER! FIRST 10 Palyers Will get maps! After that we will debate due to lag! (might split up parties) Any notes... Post your name and GT and get in line, w00t! AFTER 10 People free, it will be 1600 MS$ Points