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xX Epsilon Xx

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Everything posted by xX Epsilon Xx

  1. HOLY SHI* 2090
  2. May I flame someone too? Who shall I pick?
  3. To Epislon - "You son of a bitch leaking noob fag tard!!" Removed
  4. xX Epsilon Xx


    Don't worry DEEhunter Melo tends to do such, when other people create better arts than him, and he wants to be better. Melo will leave a bad comment about me, watch I bet EVERYONE $100...
  5. Resize the Forward unto Dawn in Sandtrap to banshee scale, and drive it.
  6. Used to, then I stopped talking about rips. Plus I am sick of being hated so instead of getting pissed, I decided to just forget the past and be a friendlier person, so we all can be happy! No more "oh great... Epsilon. woo-hoo..." So ta-da, but I have/will be absent form IBM due to a fan project I am working on.
  7. Nice Job DEE. Your is better, but I am a noobie Keep it up!
  8. o_O I like a challenge... Working on mine. Need to do a bit at the color change map. And I am using default 3ds max viewport no modification/add-ons. Enjoy. http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/spartan117-1.jpg
  9. I believe it''s stored in your NAND Key, which you can use Infectus 2 Modchip to modify.
  10. I know right, I love the Relic dude. He digresses out the ass, but lol!
  11. lol I found this on google CONTAINS MOVIE SPOILERS!
  12. Yeah, megan is hot, too bad 3/4 o fmovie she is CGI just they can make her boobs bigger /fail
  13. Can't wait until it rains *facepalm*
  14. I have just returned from the mid-night premier of T2:RoF (Transformoers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen) This movie was epic successory and a masterpiece! My favorite: Bumble-Bee: His voicebox is still broken but he is awesome The Twins (Ice Cream Van / Pimp Cars) : Funny-ass robots LMFAO Optimus Prime : He is aweosme, now weilding 2 kick-ass blades. And weilding epic relic armor form a descensdant, enabling him to fly and use super cannons. Super-Bot (my nickname) Huge robot mixed of 15 Decepticons Weapons: Plasma Charged-Mortar Cannon (FTW!) Most powerful gun I have seen, took out the super bot and a pyramid from Egypt in 1 shot lol Dual-Twin-Blades : Prime's dual new blades (awesoem glowing affect) B-17 Bomber : Inexplainable. Kaboom. And much much more... Add-on what you think of this movie, what is funny, awesome, cute, bad, or action. This will definitley win '09 Multiple Movie Awards. 10/10
  15. iBotMOdz.net meh Rate my sig (it was removed)
  16. My name is Epsilon and I approve this thre.... What? Me, wtf! u litlle...
  17. I'm only doing posisitives. 10 - Grunt 20 - Jackal 40 - Elite 100 - Specops 250 - Sentinel 1000 - iBotModz Honored Member (VIP)
  18. ._...|..____________________, , ....../ `---___________----_____|] ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// .//___//
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