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xX Epsilon Xx

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Everything posted by xX Epsilon Xx

  1. On H2 Vista you sign in with your LIVE ID and can battles others on xboxes
  2. If you unlock all the acheivmens through the acheivment modder, will you get Recon? Just wonering I would like Recon but, beleive I am not a recon noob...
  3. Torrents=Fail, half the tim ethe are viruses or porn. Also they take week to download, such as this tutorial said South Park would take abou 2 weeks, and 6 days, waste of time... I woul'd rather just buy it (EDIT): Plus the torrent software gives out all downloaders IP, so if someone knows who hosting the torrent, and the are against them, then they can fry your DNS,
  4. AS I SAID EARLIER "I get that error to, you cannot fix it, it is cause by having 64-bit Vista"
  5. My problem... http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/johnserr.jpg
  6. Well he told us how to make it, so even if it is stolen, n00bs will still need to by a dev, and with this XeX leaked, a devkit is no longer "a useless brick" Plus I have this XeX, it's called default.xex and is only about 16mb, PM me if you want the link to get it, because ichifish said that he wouldnt release it anymore. (And when he leaked it, he didn't think we would mirror it...) lol
  7. Awesome Dark cant wait! Nice app to be working! P.S. I can't get over this ilove it so much!!! ---> http://teambinary.org/images/Omega%20Pedo.gif
  8. With what johnson? I could do it with engineer but I dont have weapons plugins, my plugins are VERY OLD!
  9. I'm not the best, but.. Photoshop CS4 owns pwnt.
  10. No, that would be illegal, that's why when you click "agree" on the "EULA" (End-User's-Liscense-Agreement) It clearly states, no unauthorized or invalid reproduction of this program is admitted, therfore you are making unathorized "modified" copies. And even if you changes everycopy right symbol and logos to like Ibotmodz logos, and mod names for staff, there is still very much proof it would be photoshop, heck even if you give it an entire new GUI, they would know...
  11. How did Quickkill make the ROF mods, on his dev kit, what did he use
  12. LOL I am making a ppf, but this will take a long @$$ time, is there a swappper, or do i have to use hex?
  13. Well you can skin mod a banshee to a soccer ball to make it fly
  14. May we do campaign? If so... The Storm (o40_voi.map) Variant : Unimquarternium (you-nim-qwar-tin-nee-um) BY GT GOES HERE, or Melee _____________________________________________________ Story: One day Mr. Chief was bored and wanted to have fun... Foreword Ok, I am XeDK, am this is my mod entry! It will be awesome, but I dont know if most of his is possible, I hope so!!! I hope I win and pre-congradulate the ones who will win. So here you go. (Note: I wrote this real fast, so please only comment on typos if you don't understand, oherwise don't mention mispelled words. ________________________________________ Here we go!! MAIN MODS [Mr. McODST] Charcter Mods 1. Play as ODST 2. Be invulnerable 3. Be able to use every weapon, and vehicle (not as in pelican, as every intended drivable vehicle like hog, and goose) 4.Lower sky, so "eye" of the storm is near the level 5. Run 3x fast 6. Jump 3x high AI Mods' Marines > Chiefs Amored Marines > Arbiters ODST > Grunts XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vehicles [Camo Scarab] Scarab 1. All shaders > active camo (make it invisible) [1337 Flyz0rz] (Warthog) 1. Set banshee physics (flying) 2. Warthog HLMT (model) > Pelican HLMT (model) 3. Warhog chaingun HLMT (model) > Scarb HLMT (model) <flyable (skinned) peli, with scarb turret> ________________________________________ Make the following drivable 1. Little service carts 2. Semi truck front 3. Forklift XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Weapons [scarab Gun] (Assault Rifle) 1.Assault Rifle > Plasma Rifle 2. Plasma Rifle Bolt > Scarab Beam Bolt 3. Inf. ammo, no overheating ________________________________________ [Laser Rifle] (Shotgun) 1. Minimum ROF 255 2. Maximum ROF 255 3. Shogunt Pellet > Spartan laser_high (proj.) 4. Shotgun Shader > Overshield Shader (not EQIP's) 5. Inf. Ammo, no Reloading 6. Shotgun fire effect > grunt b-day effect ________________________________________ [scarab Pod] (Missle Pod) 1. Misslle > Scarab (IF POSSIBLE WITHOUT FREEZING) ________________________________________ [iON Sniper Cannon] (Sniper Rifle) 1. Sniper Bullet > Flak (fuel rod bolt) 2. Minimum ROF 255 3. Maximum ROF 275 (yes 75 not 55) 4. Proj spawn co-ords X:0, Y:25, Z:30 5. Flak proj. damage to 1000 6. Flak proj velocity min: 999, max: 999 (instant impact on firing) 7. Flak detonation effect (airborne & land effects) > scarab explode effect ________________________________________ [Covie Mark 19] (Carbine) 1. Carbine HLMT (model) > Assault Rifle HLMT (model) 2. Minimum ROF 255 3. Maximum ROF 255 4. Inf ammo, and no reload 5. Carbine slug (proj.) > Missle (m. pod proj.) 6. Missple Pod projectile model > AA cannon "bolt" (If the AA cannons bullets are under (proj) swap carbine slug for it.) ________________________________________ Thank You, for reading my insanely long wall of text! ..::(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX))::.. P.S. (EDIT) I just realized that this doesn't not go along with the post. SORRY! I thought Shade would play these and then you give us a theater film of it, but If I can acually play this, that would be godd**n INSANE![/b]
  15. frikken sweet
  16. I get that error to, you cannot fix it, it is cause by having 64-bit Vista, which I have, and on that PC as of now you can't use BSP viewer, and some guy is making a 32>64 bit app, that converts 32bit to 64bit but you need the source code for the app you want to convert, so... OMFGF t3h n07 50 l337 v1574 t3h s\|/?< (omfg the not so leet vista teh sucks) lol
  17. I beleive he's mean if you shoot out a rocket, and when it hits the floor grenades and brute shot bullets (example) fly upward outspread and land everywhere
  18. Actually you could make a Custom DLC, with RepackMapApp for Halo 2, and you can make it a DLC, its a rare program, I use to have it but I got a new PC and restored my old one, I look through my backup for it anywways on 360 I have 4GB tokken up to run that, but I realized it was useless lol, because I can't add maps to the mainmenu, lol
  19. Can you do this for Xbox 360 .
  20. Can you give me a tutorial because I want to do this in Halo 2 Vista
  21. May you please PM me for the enofrcer, And I will try to get you oracle tut, because I have a map where you are oraclews on turf .! Please
  22. gruntmods just said they connect to partner net, therefore they can't recover your account, they don't even connect to where your account is stored (Xbox Live servers), the only way they can connect is if you send your profile from xplorer360 But that is not how to make a campaign mod. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ For example play as a hunter on the ark, with hunter's cannon. 1. Open up "The Ark" and change master chief's identifier to a hunter's 2. Change one of chief's weapons, curently being held (i.e. sniper rifle at mission start) 3. Save changes. 4. Load up, The Ark, test to see if it worked 5. If successsful, simply kill and walk to an area where you get a checkpoint, an well... GET A CHECKPOINT! 6. Take the save from xplorer, or just file explorer (from dev to PC) 7. Send it to buyer, of modded save 8. Buyer will rehash, and resign, put on HDD via Xplorer360 9. Load up BAM! 10. Have fun! I beleive this is how you would successfully build a campaign mod for retails.
  23. Oh well this would be a .map modding tool, and you extract the save from it. But i realize this is impossible, because you can be doing various things that affect a checkpoint such as, position, vehicle, and EXACTLY what you are doing when it says checkpoint. Only thing I could thing is extracting an Mission Star, Alpha or Bravo checkpoint
  24. WTF... to me I can see pictures but If you cant go here, photobucket ONLY Comment on the program pics, not any other My Photbucket Account
  25. It's sort of like a GUI for modding campaign saves, as anth0ny does for people who buy modded saves from him. It's C# and I have no knowledge in C# yet, but I started to learn, I poseted this because, My first app should be way more simple, like a tag viewer. If anyone would like to actually try and make this functionable, I would send you source code. This is ONLY a GUI no button or functions work. Cannont Open Files, cannot mod, cannot save. This is just a GUI, with no code.
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