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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. .MeLo♥

    Modded Film

    soooo lame haha i love how you think your so clever lol
  2. Pretty sick man, def gonna get it, thanks for the share.
  3. Thanks smoky! Great post!!
  4. Thanks for the share mate
  5. Thanks for that KD !!
  6. Hahah thank you thank you But credit to anarchy for making that pikmin hog thing haha
  7. na not for me, dont like scary movies so much
  8. yea im fluent in gimp and ps, i started with GIMP
  9. Yea true, well i still want to help with things! come on peachy :]
  10. I got all day today, i can clean it up for ya :]
  11. Im sure all of you old, fellow members of the old site will recall this , i restored it though to say "Now, just more" http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/banner.jpg Edit: K here it is on transparent so you can put it o any banner bg, the text is outlined with white incase the bg is black, here is what it would look like with a colored bg: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/bannerredone.jpg and here yougo, transparent: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/bannerredonecopy.png
  12. I might try it once i get my iphone back, thanks
  13. For those of you that knew him, or that just want to wear it, here you go http://i42.tinypic.com/2w6ufqo.png
  14. you can tell that you used the magic tool to cut it out, because it leaves the lines around it, next time use the pen tool to cut it out, ill make a tut for that later :]
  15. .MeLo♥

    DG v. FE

    I voted for dg, just because it shows more work and has some depth, the altair one is just to dark for my taste and its awkwardly positioned, it was a close one though
  16. Well recently i have been given news that one of a friend very dear to me was K.I.A the other day. Apperently from what i have heard, he was shot in the neck trying to save his fellow comrades. Some of you might know him, his name was +mw.Lucky , He was a fine human and a great friend, he taught me and many other a TON of things having to do with gfx, some of the best things ive ever seen made have been made from this man. He not only recommended me into mw, but he also did a great many other things for other people , he regarded as a great human being and still his, i will never forget him. I love you lucky and i hope your fiancee finds her way through this dark time.
  17. Thanks for the share man.
  18. iPhone ftw, Just because i can hack it
  19. Ouch smoky, ouch , a copy and pasted thank you im hurt
  20. .MeLo♥


    Smoky you have to watch it, its so awesome
  21. Wow this looks awesome!! Thank you so much!
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMOKIE and you better damn say thank you back to me..
  23. If you have like 100 questions, just put them in one topic, instead of making 100 different topics
  24. Sweet, thanks for the share man.
  25. .MeLo♥

    Blue shadowz

    I dont know who they are either? What about it? Want to fight?
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