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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Hey dont say that, you can do anything you set your mind to :]
  2. I say do it man, plus if your bored why not? Make it for only ibm im sure that would earn you a few points :]
  3. Awesome mate, thanks for the share <3
  4. Could just be an external, really dont see the point of this post xD
  5. .MeLo♥


    Ok awesome caboosey, add my gt " i MeLo L " if you already havent, whenever peaches gets on we will play
  6. Really? thats awesome, i wonder why they quit making them
  7. way to know that bumps dont count anymore, think before you post next time.
  8. Um, thanks for sharing :]
  9. .MeLo♥


    Dude, it is amazing, you HAVE to watch it.
  10. .MeLo♥


    Just make a one month or something!
  11. At least you had a break, i havent even had one that long in years.
  12. .MeLo♥


    Ok peaches , if you ever reply to my messages on xbox live ill invite you , we will straight up rape, ill get more people too, but they have to be good :] Cool KD, you gotta hit us up man
  13. Even though firefox does straight up rape, it does have its bugs. I would just leave it there and live with it, unless its an absolute distraction, you could just get the browser that Darkslipstream made. In my opinion, its as good if not better than FF.
  14. .MeLo♥


    This movie is $%#^%# AWESOME. Its like a mix between transporter, and james bond. Its only out in europe currently so youll have to watch it online, but it is DEFINITELY worth it.
  15. It means that he likes v2, dont post useless posts. And fatal you dont need to add borders, i never add them borders are really only a novice thing .
  16. .MeLo♥


    I LOVE it, i cant stop playing it, i just go in and rape waves and waves on the river, does anyone else share the love for this like i do? We can play together and rape
  17. If you left, why does your post count matter then? And it matter because it shows how dedicated and the love you show for the site. At least to me it does
  18. eazyb all the way guys he made his own con resigner!
  19. Sweet thanks for the share man
  20. I like the sharpened one, looks very cool
  21. haha big pimp dataaaaanii
  22. .MeLo♥

    Who Copied Who?

    its probably just a standard template that anyone can use, if it was under copyright there would only be one
  23. Yea, i guess it all depends on how devoted and how much you need to use a computer / laptop.
  24. I tis good for your 4th or 5th one, You are learning to use some of the skills, now you have to learn to moderate them, and incorporate more skills in your tag. This is a good tag for your skill level, trust me.
  25. .MeLo♥

    Who Copied Who?

    Well im sure xbox and steam have some sort of agreement, they wouldnt just rip the idea completely.
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