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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Bumps dont even matter, stop getting your panties in a bundle
  2. Thanks a lot for this man
  3. You never cease to amaze, thanks nuklear
  4. Very cool, thanks for the share.
  5. very cool, thanks for the share mate
  6. Wow dark, thanks for the share buddy :]
  7. Well apperantly you can put your Mii on your Wii remote and trasnfer it to other wiis
  8. Nice share, thanks for it man
  9. .MeLo♥


    Thanks for the share mate.
  10. Very nice, thanks for the post man.
  11. Sweet dark, thanks for another great post.
  12. Thank you very much for the post man.
  13. Thanks for the share darky.
  14. Thanks for the share man.
  15. Um, thanks for the share i guess
  16. Pictures are gone, think you can update it?
  17. Thanks for the share man.
  18. Sweet, thanks for the share man.
  19. Looks pretty cool man, ill dl it thanks for the share!
  20. Dude the map would have looked SICK like that. I miss the old halo maps :<
  21. Yea, capture cards are extremely expensive, just use what your doing, its fine, dont listen to venom
  22. Awesome editing man, hes pretty good :]
  23. Awesome montage man loved it :]
  24. You have all the achievements?!?!? D: We need to talk on msn :]
  25. Used to, but with the new update i dont think it does :/
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