Gundam FTFW I have lost all my skittles, it is apperent all i can do is vector >.> So yea, i tried to make a tag gift for blacklabel
I have some advice for everyone, mostly all the kidswho have been posting new topics like its hot lately FLAMERS - STOP FLAMING SPAMMERS - STOP SPAMMING there :] If you guys can follow those rules we will be fine
I actually dont agree, you make a new topic like this every second like you own this place. Joe, geo and others who are "new" come to this site and spam the s*** out of it. Im sorry but i dont want to welcome some little nub kid who comes here and just starts spamming this place up with meaningless things, its annoying ass s***, especially when all they do is sit in the shoutbox and spam it with numerous smileys.