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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. eh text is just simple clipping mask to just show his name and yea it was but it got deleted
  2. Probably the best your going to get with such a retarded request
  3. .MeLo♥


    Its not, he has skills, not secret but "aquired" and its because hes an ex special forces How so? Lmao perv
  4. Gundam FTFW I have lost all my skittles, it is apperent all i can do is vector >.> So yea, i tried to make a tag gift for blacklabel http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/gundam2copy.jpg
  5. well damn here i was thinking that this was the IPB 3 downtime hahaha
  6. i really dont see anything new none of the new features :[ like the mini profile thing
  7. its cool kinda like a lot of ideas shoved onto one tag though
  8. lolrus rep for admin loooolooooloooooloooool
  9. .MeLo♥


  10. I have some advice for everyone, mostly all the kidswho have been posting new topics like its hot lately FLAMERS - STOP FLAMING SPAMMERS - STOP SPAMMING there :] If you guys can follow those rules we will be fine
  11. .MeLo♥


    i love how you refer to the new members as "them" haha
  12. Its just a little last poster bug.
  13. I actually dont agree, you make a new topic like this every second like you own this place. Joe, geo and others who are "new" come to this site and spam the s*** out of it. Im sorry but i dont want to welcome some little nub kid who comes here and just starts spamming this place up with meaningless things, its annoying ass s***, especially when all they do is sit in the shoutbox and spam it with numerous smileys.
  14. Maybe because you spam 24/7 bye
  15. .MeLo♥


    All of them everytime i come here its non stop spam from them. Quite annoying
  16. this is so sexy gundam ftfw
  17. .MeLo♥

    4 teh MFoneeee.

    What did you exactly do? looks nice none the less:D
  18. Are you serious? Its a pic of iron man , it just might say iron lmao v2 is sexy
  19. Do you hear that kids? It will take you at least 50 days of rep to get VIP and thats IF you get 20 people to do it for you get it kids?
  20. why does it have to be generated? Because you can't do it?
  21. ABCANT?@?@?@?@?@?!!?!?!?!?
  22. im on it
  23. Awesome tip man, you do know if it doesnt work i will kill you and personally ban you.. thanks :]
  24. damn, two years ago
  25. Holy moly bro-seh-lean-y i love it its so perfect im crying
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