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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Has a pretty cool BG, you just need to resize the render and blend it, and work on text but its cool man
  2. yea sorry man, i honestly thought anarchy made it!! Credit to smokie for the pik hog
  3. Well thank you smokie I edited it, hope you dont mind
  4. Hmm, i think it was anarchy just because he would make the banners if i recall.
  5. .MeLo♥

    Sig Request

    You request a lot of things, but you dont give back..
  6. i started here at ibm
  7. .MeLo♥


    Yours got banned too? D:
  8. Yea a lot of dead links and warez
  9. Well thank you for your valiant effort
  10. Yea those are prettty effing awesome
  11. .MeLo♥

    Portal Modding?

    Sweet thanks for this, ive been looking for it!!
  12. Oh baby , turned sexy eh? haha thanks
  13. .MeLo♥


    Yea but where does he get those shapes and that color
  14. Dont see a DL link :'[
  15. .MeLo♥


    K, so now make a tut and just give it to me >:]
  16. .MeLo♥


    yea it would be pretty hard, but if it was to happen, i would rape myself
  17. .MeLo♥


    k done
  18. .MeLo♥


    Hm, im not sure there is, you should make one
  19. .MeLo♥


    Buddah, you need to teach me how you do this , please
  20. Sweet, thanks for the share mate
  21. Hm, idk its not that expensive guys, seems good
  22. Yea, i made the bg im using, and i love it
  23. Some of them are pretty cool, thanks blacky
  24. Haha , well thank you anyway :}
  25. Then give me sub back, ill do it for you!
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