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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. year of hosting from bluehost, ipb a lot of clothes, 150$ games and music
  2. Hey marry xmas dark, great post <3
  3. i have one left handed people cant write mandarin chinese
  4. Moderator color is fine, every color is fine except sub admin, the pink doesnt scream "POWER"
  5. yes no no limit
  6. Thats the point, your not supposed to see the text that well, it would draw away from the focal
  7. Bring it back i want to see it
  8. Says Color explosion CnC First sig in about a month http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/color.jpg
  9. Well, here it is, 51 layers. http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/color.jpg
  10. I love this band, only one problem thats not bmth in that picture lmao
  11. You dont need money :] message me and i will get it to you for free
  12. .MeLo♥


    avg free that is the best ever <33
  13. holy s***, year old topic <3
  14. I made the sexiest thing ever in illy <3
  15. im so excited for this <3
  16. too bad he sucks dick at throwing
  17. Thanks you guys And yea KD, i added more stuff to the plane in photoshop
  18. Thanks man, i did it ALL from scratch
  19. v2 has the coolest colors, but the sun is too big
  20. Made this completely from scratch, http://fc42.deviantart.com/fs38/i/2008/348/9/5/SKY_EATS_PLANE_by_DECsyke.jpg Enjoy! http://decsyke.deviantart.com/art/SKY-EATS-PLANE-106283644 Comments on dA please
  21. Hmm, do they have all the free ftping and the free email setups and stuff? What did you buy the site for, whats your site?
  22. ROFL Dude that welcome back to the site i love you
  23. Nice man, just keep doing what you do Without the bannings of course
  24. Thanks And for backing it up, you mean onto a portable HD? Ill just search some tuts for dual booting
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