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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Pretty cool, kinda mono but i love it
  2. Its fine for me and im using shitty library IE
  3. hahahaha thanks guys :}
  4. .MeLo♥

    OLd members

    i was a part of them loved them <3
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwfrqdEeE5I
  6. .MeLo♥

    Fable 2

    Pretty nice tut, well done for your first one.
  7. Pretty cool man
  8. Yea ill do it, i have a ton of essays haha and sorry i didnt have to do that essay until that day :[
  9. Why is this in general discussion? Should it be in programs or something.. But its a nice app nice work.
  10. The snake is chasing the pikmins! And yea the golum is just peeping Link it in your sig!!! PS: This isnt the epic pikmin i was talking about Haha yea weird clipping mask, and thank you
  11. You better link this in your sig buddy! http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/pikmin.png just a simple manip, bored in multimedia
  12. Awesome man, thanks for the share
  13. Well, here it is, if you ever need a morrie essay, here you go, i got an A with this. Morrie_Essay.doc
  14. .MeLo♥

    My new logo

    Pretty cool for just starting better than most the kids here haha
  15. Hmm, i dont really see a use for these lol but thanks for the share
  16. Wow, thats some pretty sweet skills, its a great idea! I gotta ask him if i can vector it
  17. No dont, because most of the kids here do stay on this all day (cough cough) and they use that to talk to there friends, PS: By starting this topic, you pretty much created flame, should have watched that and just pm'd it to an admin
  18. Haha , your screwed thats not ibm buddy, you were either downloading porn or folders off limewire
  19. Honestly, when you state that people are flaming, keep them nameless, because this could count as flaming because your calling them out Just say stop the flaming
  20. Ill join have a submission in later
  21. Its still better than you, and dont diss gifts.
  22. Yea i guess your right, like gifts and stuff, Then you could just make some of them into sub forums Just saying that only about 5 kids use it.
  23. Honestly, the whole gfx section should go, Never gets any hits, its pretty much dead except for all of 4 people that use it. Just make a sub domain or something for people who want to do it, GFX on a modding site = pointless. Or just make a sub forum in a lobby topic called gfx, that way people can still do it and it doesnt waste half the forum.
  24. Sweet man, i like it thanks
  25. Like you hope that i will accept, or you hope like "I hope..IF i ask you"
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