The snake is chasing the pikmins! And yea the golum is just peeping Link it in your sig!!! PS: This isnt the epic pikmin i was talking about Haha yea weird clipping mask, and thank you
No dont, because most of the kids here do stay on this all day (cough cough) and they use that to talk to there friends, PS: By starting this topic, you pretty much created flame, should have watched that and just pm'd it to an admin
Honestly, when you state that people are flaming, keep them nameless, because this could count as flaming because your calling them out Just say stop the flaming
Honestly, the whole gfx section should go, Never gets any hits, its pretty much dead except for all of 4 people that use it. Just make a sub domain or something for people who want to do it, GFX on a modding site = pointless. Or just make a sub forum in a lobby topic called gfx, that way people can still do it and it doesnt waste half the forum.