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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Awesome man thanks for the share!
  2. Seeing as how the picture was as big as the banner i just added text and fixed it up a little http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/teamo.jpg
  3. yea this would get old after a while im sure
  4. Hm, sounds fine! :}
  5. Um it was a valiant effort
  6. Sounds retarded then you can just flame people.... Just get an actual quote from them and you wont have to worry about trying to set them up.
  7. yep Plus its in off topic so it doesnt matter
  8. yea , if you want to be a pathetic squall! hahah
  9. then make a request in the request section and the way you "requested" was more of a demand
  10. Seeing as how this was 2007, im pretty sure its not 3 years
  11. You didnt sign a list so now you have to get 1000 rep ouch
  12. i like second symbol and first t-shirt
  13. You dont ask for a gift you just get one out of love
  14. give me .psd plz
  15. .MeLo♥

    WTF Pikmin?

    If it was a gift to peaches it would be a waste he never wears them and the "ibotpeaches" paint sig, was made from someone pretending to be someone else and ended up getting banned....
  16. Its cool but i just dont see that many effects, like it though
  17. @%#$ you you sig demon god your too good :'[[[ (the @%#$ you part was a joke, btw)
  18. yea i agree i really dont like this :[ ill make you a new one
  19. Thanks =D I didnt even mean for that to happen haha
  20. Sarcasm?
  21. Hm, i might let you have it also, but it would have to be secrative
  22. oh so gmof is dom the mystery is solved
  23. omg i love it, your too cute
  24. .MeLo♥

    For the dhero

    Lolrus gundam http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/dherogundam.jpg
  25. Ok i promise when i get one i will only with you thugh kd
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