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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. .MeLo♥

    Crazy Avatars

    Haha i love how they all have the same glasses ! :]
  2. .MeLo♥

    Lost Planet 2

    I dont think i shall be trying this, i really wasnt that fond of the first one
  3. So this is a program to boost your ammo for a game that was made for xbox 1?
  4. because premier pro and imovie just rape ass so hard
  5. How in baby jesus' name do i do that?
  6. By installing it does it erase all your stuff?
  7. I just press the restart buttons and that usually does it for me haha
  8. thanks for this broski i was just about to use it today for a project! D:
  9. .MeLo♥


    Its just to show a sick ass effect and it works
  10. yea dude your going to have to read a TON of tutorials, its way confusing
  11. Does this work with xp per chance?
  12. Whenever i turn on my xbox, it says that im signed in, then when i play a game it disconnects me,no mater what how do i fix it? :{
  13. Do you have an msn or anything? Add me kevinb2992@hotmail.com
  14. .MeLo♥

    Crazy Avatars

    i changed my monopoly guy so he actually LOOOKS like him now http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/i%20MeLo%20L/avatar-body.png
  15. yea its some weird singer
  16. haha i laughed soooo hard
  17. Have fun doing something else, instead of bumping 2 year old topics
  18. yea i lost like 1500 i went from 1800 to 300 haha
  19. .MeLo♥

    Gift to dss

    Np buddy Glad you like it
  20. w00t thanks buddah i love it!
  21. .MeLo♥

    Gift to dss

    http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/dss.jpg Sucks i know
  22. Hahahaha In kentucky its illegal to have an icecream in your back pocket
  23. Explain?
  24. Ok cool man! Once i get ungrounded ill tell you
  25. Yea i searched it through the thing but got no results, then i just tried to google it and stuff then had to go to the movie but thanks peachy!
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