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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. no but i dont no if u under stand but his post are spam OK all he says is like cool i like that get it now
  2. yes u did want VIP so you spammed for it then try to get me banned cus you suck at life
  3. if you want i could make a youtube vid for how to mod for people who dont like to read LOL
  4. ok when i signed in i had lost 10 post i know why because xDansomee the biggest spammer of ibm said i was spamming when ever 1 of my posts are not spam LOL even sillybob123 thinks that xDansomee is a spammer or known as a internet troll the only reason he got VIP was posting things like wow thats cool or i like that and posting things were it was to a member of staff i dont see why i should loss 10 posts. >
  5. very sorry i dont really mod halo 2 any more so yay if i could help i would but i cant load any of my download maps LOL think i mite download them again
  6. i saw a tut on how to make a file browser ion java but can not remember what site il look but i dont ever no what to do with java !!!
  7. kl sounds good cant wait to see what ur going to do with your host
  8. great gob mate i never had 1 for this year but i have come up with 1 this new year
  9. i made the background at school cus i had nothing to do. Took about a hour.
  10. okm thanks for the feed back smoki
  11. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL best pc ever bet u guys want this http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/plush_pc.jpg
  12. well theres nothing wrong with it but i have like 1 million passwords to remeber LOL so it would be easyer if we could have a bigger upload size
  13. Mcmodder♥

    My Nxe Dash.

    i do not see how i double posted as i only posted once!!!
  14. seems good the name is a bit gay but any way il look
  15. download a new consign/rehasher i recamend superasion's as it have a rehasher in it think it is on blueshadowz
  16. you need to know the make of the mother bourd then go to this site i cant rember what it is but it will tell you but any way it will say what to buy then just go on ebay and have a look
  17. well i use gold wave i dont no if that helped you or anything
  18. wow this looks pretty cool nice upload YAY Donkey Kong
  19. please can you reupload th picture then i will coment on it
  20. who has a cell phone=every one LoL
  21. world tour :)
  22. i like the youtube downloader i have it downloads the stuff in like 2 secondeds
  23. i think you should shoce the one with the most flexible rules and best price
  24. damn cus i only really upload stuff for this site and i would like to stop using filefactory gfx stuff i make are fine but app's i will not be abe to upload here
  25. Ok i guess this is manly to peaches but any way i was wondering if the vip upload size could be bigger as i would like to host stuff on here insted of using photobucket/filefactory. it would be nice if VIP's could have like 1GB upload. If the other VIP's could tell me what you think of this i would like to have some fees back
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