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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. Yh i have a xbl account that is modded and the motto/bio/name is all swear words
  2. have a look at my post about free arcade games il trade for that
  3. So do i give a s*** its there fault they are freaks who want recon LoL never going to happen
  4. Hay the button for the download has gone can u plz get it back
  5. Im that is what Johnson is for but if u wanna waste ur time be my guest think i mite stick to the software
  6. Ok guys this is a tut to get free arcade games. You need: 1. A hacked Live account (better if it had a credit card on that is not from ur country) 2. A Xbox 360 3. 2 Xbox controllers 4. And xbox live. Ok here's what you do. First get controller 1 and sign in as the hacked account then get your other controller and sign in as ur normal account MUST BE KEPT SIGNED IN AT ALL TIMES WHEN DOWNLOADING. Then go to game that you wont and download the trial first not the whole game. Then stay on that account go to my xbox then games then buy the full game should take like 1 second (depends on what game) then once u have done that turn off ur xbox and sign into ur account and it will not be a trial it will be a full game. So i hope this has been helpful have fun and dont get caught. PM me if u need help with any thing. Getting a hacked account: First of all im not giving them out for free.(accept for admins and mods) If u are a member on the site a 3 month or 1200 points it will cost. If u are a vip then a 1 month or 1000 ms points. And if u are a mod or a Admin then it will be free. How it works if u live in the US then i will give u a UK hacked account as its harder to get caught and vise a versa for uk u get a us account. Well i hope u like the tut
  7. So why did they change it to the shity one we have now i like that one
  8. WoW when i get my new halo i have to try this
  9. Mcmodder♥


    Nice spam my friend is this whole forum guna be all spam
  10. Is it the whole save cus i think if u get one that is done like all of campaign then sign it to ur profile then do some stuff u will have done it as well any way dont go and get banned its just a theory my halo 3 broke inside my xbox
  11. Im still $%#^%# waiting for my gran parents to get here
  12. Ok guys i have just had to uninstall Vs as it was not working and now installing it once again so i was wondering if u guys would like any thing made. I will do it in C# and VB not C++ any way i have some tools to help me like Dotnet Bar and >net multimedia control (for Media players) any way what do u think i should make plz post
  13. well yes but why did u post it if it was s*** LoL
  14. Silly made a program that is for GOW and it for pics seems to work well
  15. Merry Christmas:)
  16. looks cool but as i always say we DONT NEED ANY MORE AIO's
  17. i dont bother reading the updates every day LoL im not that sad
  18. i ment a forum for it not just in 360 modding
  19. OMG u dont now what blueshadowz is hahaha its were u get game saves from
  20. And its a really bad post made by shitspartin LOL nub
  21. Sorry to say this the music does not go with the clips and the clips are really badly made
  22. ok venom i really believe u LoL.................NO UR NOT MLG Update: and im $%#^%# T2 is Rippin LoL
  23. How is ibotz doin that when i have not seen it?
  24. WoW i cant wait till the new maps come out as im getin kind of bored of halo LoL
  25. I would like to see a screen shot before i download anything!
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