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Everything posted by Mcmodder♥

  1. Well i cant wait till it comes and i hope i get my new halo 3 soon or ima going to be pissed off
  2. Wow its amazing what i can do when im bored LoL
  3. ok i found this duno if this any help but try it may work http://theaquabank.com/onlinevideos.php?id=60328&list=0
  4. Hmmmm i did not know that one was coming out in two days says US not UK so will it go to the US first and that site does not say the price.
  5. Ok nice spam fatal double post the same thing i really don't see why you are not banned yet.
  6. I know that Blueshodowz had the SPG but as you may know there are kinda gone for now il see if i can get hold of one for you.
  7. LoL for music i use youtube as it impossible to get caught. XD
  8. Wow mate i don't spam you do and me die don't think thats going to happen. And me flaming it's your gay little friends who started it including Mr bigkillfathomo lol. Think i mite call the FBI as you know how to hack.
  9. Wow this pretty good the music and video go together well and the effects are good a very well made film 5/5
  10. Wow ok u have really lame come backs "omg mc im gunna shove ur head up sillys ass i have no friends and im a fat s***" LoL go for a walk kid and o yh the only "hacking" u no is @$@%@ DDOS and thats not really hacking is it and o yh as u admitted u no how to hack i can report u to the FBI and u will have ur pc taken a way (that would be nice) and u will have no internet/phone line as it will be cut off trust me i no. So yh dont try it mate AND FATAL I DONT GIVE A SHT ABOUT MY @$@%@ GRAMMAR. Thats all i have have to say to u stop spamming in my post and flaming>
  11. Ok if u do that then it is spam are u are a little kid who want's to stalk me LoL freak
  12. A phisher but i have had people just give me there account LoL recon hay makes people go crazy in the gaming world
  13. Yes u would call it spam as u guys hate me any way u guys are freaks and think ur hackers manly khaos but he does not no the first thing about hacking LOL
  14. Wow a girl omg seems cool keep up the good work
  15. Ok blueshadowz got hacked and its so funny gave me my lol of the day any way here blueshadowz.info may wanna turn ur speakers down LuLz as i found out
  16. 1829 are we ever going to get 7777
  17. Plz if this is real i need 1 for free
  18. LoL Bill gates should get pro at halo 3 and flashing is bad and i ment he has every game that is real not copied
  19. Some will work and still do because of the signer that has been used
  20. so he Thinks of the xbox 360 and cant play it lol thats cool i would learn to play it if i were him he has every game ever LoL i which i were him
  21. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" width="425" height="344"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" />Cannot Be Displayed OMG i need his skill LMAO
  22. Death barrier raised i dont think so a glitch yes not a .map mod why do u lye so much ?
  23. Well it will cost like 5 pounds a min so i would not do that skype is good
  24. damn thats shame o well i guess il look some were else
  25. why is every thing in the US really expensive? like here a arcade is only 130 pounds which is like 260 in US so yh ebay i think
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